Sampling Anime To Create Conscious Rap (Steven Universe)

in #music7 years ago (edited)

So what does the title of this post mean? Quick introduction first howdy all Joren Rivers from the M.O.O.D team is back at it again with his quirky post. Just being silly bear with me and now to the point aww yes the point! 

Hilarious I know I try sometimes? 

Quick info about me producer singer song writer, guitarist, rapper and model. My teams track record is just as long or longer and I'm also forgetting some things that I do as well. This post isn't about me but is at the same time lol.

But the main focus of this post is to talk about sampling and turning a sample into something completely different and or to just enhance a concept that already exist. I produce music with a few different pieces of equipment I'm a firm believer in analog gear but I also love the things the digital world can do as well. Meaning I can use whatever means to produce a track. The DAW I use is called ableton DAW meaning Digital Audio Workstation. Pretty much its just a big word meaning music production app. Tight right! 

Quick note sorry if you guys and gals feel like I'm rushing I can make a separate post about DAW's and music production just comment to let me know if you all want a more in depth explanation. 

Now the sample aw yes the sample Steven Universe being the anime that it is. Was perfect for the way I felt at the time and still do now. Being in love but mainly being in love with the different aspects of yourself and learning that your love is The Answer to everything hence the name of the episode and the name of the title of the track I developed using this sample. I'll leave a link below to the episode at the end of the post as well as a link to the song I created so you can all hear the sample and check out the show at the same time.

Below is Ruby & Sapphire Fusing into Garnet for the first time.

Now another reason for loving this show is the art that is developed behind it. Though this isn't how the actual shows animation. It's just a depiction of what happened during this episode which was indeed created by the creators. Beautiful isn't? Well another reason for loving this show is the lessons. Which are so amazing and I'm glad its on a channel that highly populated with children's attention. This is something that I've come to understand this shows influence on today's culture is amazing there is always an amazing song or beat accompanied in every episode its incredible. And when you watch the episode you'll you know exactly what I sampled because of the strength and beauty of the sound its touching. 

So on to the rap folks. So with the emphasis of the drums and the bass I added to the original sound. It gave me a foundation to expand on. Writing to this song was short and easy why? Well because I'm a genius and when your in love with creating your creative juices just flow like a never ending fountain. Which is what a genius is a lover of his or her craft with no expectation. Love will make you pray the answer and the answer is love so cycle continues just like the ouroboros which continues to bit its tail as depicted below with a brief quote about the ouroboros which is greek for Tail Bitter.

Engraving by Lucas Jennis, in an alchemical tract titled De Lapide Philisophico (1599) & in The Book of Lambspring (1625)
The Ouroboros often represents self-reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return, and other things perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end (compare Phoenix). It can also represent the idea of primordial unity related to something existing in or persisting from the beginning with such force or qualities it cannot be extinguished.

I'm here to drop gems on the steemit community because I realize the majority of you are exceptional people if you weren't you wouldn't be using this platform so early in its beta you guys including myself are all vibrational matches for its goodness.

I digress a lot because I feel it's necessary and is also part of the journey of becoming whole again. The journey was the same with creating this track I would advise that you all watch the animation first and then listen to the track I developed behind it so you understand my concept. One of my goals is to work with the scoring team from the Steven Universe show.  I just know how much fun it would be. That's them below aren't they cute lol

Welp till the next post Joren Rivers of M.O.O.D peacing out





Life isn't liner so do as you please. 

M.O.O.D Logo T-shirts coming soon YaH

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