Social Media Music Promotion For The Start

in #music6 years ago


Socially working with other music people and conversing with them is the best way to build a fanbase and market if your into selling beats. What about using social media though, I see that spamming is like cold calling and the best way to work with anybody especially when most of these people are musicians is long term type business. Lets face it your not selling a need so spamming really doesn't work too well like any other marketing agency that spends thousands on thousands of dollars aggravating people on the phone you could be doing the same on social media.

That is if you got you a list builder thing going on (which can be free) @ your waisting time promoting bull shit funnels and wondering why you can't sell anything. Well because your doing something thaaat needs to be consistently used and which most people use with team work. Now what about people you talked to before i will tell you that it's better to get after someone you talked to for quite a while and is interested with your brand and looks for this type of product. Go in with meeting new people as to develop long term relationships and with every other seller you have now you'll develop one for later!

I could do this for big wig companies and make them all kinds of money by instead of targeting cold leads, but by reeling them in, put them on a segmented list where of their wants and needs and less rude phone calls with a hang up in your face, or absolute disrespect from a caller that may be useless for you anyhow lol!! We all get those phoney ass calls and we all feel the same way inless we're interested.

So how does this work woth social media a lot with music? Music is a product but it needs to be effective in the right ways! Music is a want and it's not the number one want either especially when you can get free beats and stream music (i need to blog this too). When your selling beats though your talking about contracts that you get submitted because if people we're to go and put a song on the radio without paying the producer can take them to court with proof of the file date.

That's why we sell binding contracts or and work with an artist that can get us places in our career which is cool too! Now a days like a said on my last blog was that artists are looking to more ways to make money with their music, well streaming has been here for a while and it's most useful now! Easy to get distribution and it's not all that bad with the price niether. You could start up your own label if you wanted to!

So with social media you connect with people, you do business, you sell things, develope relationships, and meet others to work in partnership! Keep your business with beats and do other things too, clothing line, promoting, mixing and mastering, and even consulting! Yes you can sell tine and information via facetime :) and make serious $$$! People would like to know more stuff just like you would or need to so people pay for it.

I really enjoyed this blog here got through a lot of bits and pieces on this one you guysand gals ever need I meant want some beats let me know you can dl instantly!



I actually checked your website and your tracks are DOPE! I was surprised. Also, on a side note, your article is great but you could improve the text presentation. Presentation is key and should be an asset if you're trying to promote yourself anywhere. Anyways, great job and keep it up! I'll follow you for your beats!!

Thank you i took some notes on the bitcoin faucets going to give this a shot and thanks for the advice i do appreciate the next blog will be a lot better

Nowadays, no matter what your business is, social media should be your number one focus. That's where people's attention is and that's where you gotta put in most of the work. As you said, with music, cold calling is not always the best option, I'd go for ads and community interaction.

Right!! Started off in the myspace erra I can see steemit being like the next big thing too it wont be long from now this platform will be more popular

Agree, though I see a strong competitor in Amazon as they might just launch their own platform and crypto.

really..Why not just get on their platform too

I will, but I'm afraid it will be less social, more like Facebook

we'll just have to see i cant wait to see this one

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