Modes for guitar - My first e-book . Looking for a way to start building and online lesson network. Any suggestions?

in #music5 years ago

Hello Everyone!

I'm sorry I have been absent for quite a long time , life has had its ups and downs lately and while I've kept myself quite busy there has been some tolls on my head and body but I will probably share about that on another time. I'm fine btw!

So, I moved back to my city in Ecuador , started yet again another studio called Tapir and I have been quite busy and stressed trying to move that project forward , it is slowly coming over and I need patience.

But that is not the subject of my post today, just sharing a bit of myself since I do feel like this place is quite in the personal side of things , after all , I have shared hundreds of posts around here :P.

So , this is what I did these last days:

Screen Shot 20190626 at 9.09.07 AM.png

I wrote an Ebook! My first one!

Yes, it still needs revision but I think it is a starting point and I hope to write quite a few more and upload them and compile them into an online library of music material.


Well , I haven't been really teaching since I moved back to Ecuador and now I'm missing it , also , talking with complete honesty .. it was also a source of somewhat stable income that for now I don't have . Building up a business from scratch has you spending as much as earning , so yeah... tight spot. Luckily I have stayed in the greens over the past months , so .. not such a big deal . The life of a musician

So , why the post?

Well , first of all I would like to share with you the little handbook I wrote , it is meant for an intermediate level guitarist. I did not really know where to start so I just started with the first subject that came to mind , I plan to write many more.

I am trying to build an online network of students

Yes , knowing myself I know I might move once again so I am betting in a more decentralised business , something I can take with me the moment I decide to move again and make it sustainable , the traditional way of doing things no longer works for me ... So , mobility is now my main priority , a studio I can move around and record , create content and teach as long as I have a decent internet connection.

So , first of all:

I'm looking for online students

I have invested a bit in a couple microphones , a camera and a decent setup to give classes online , wether it is over Skype or any other type of videoconference , I have written and compiled a decent amount of music educational material so probably I can help you in a wide variety of subjects , from theory to technique and even production and recording.

Where do I promote?

Well , of course I am promoting here in my STEEM blog but maybe there is another place where this type of material could be of interest and I could connect with people , so far Instagram is not really working though I am still promoting there.

Also , my goal is to aim outside of Ecuador since probably the prices of a class would be very accessible to more developed countries , I don't need to charge as much as If I were living in the US for example.

And of course , if somebody would like to fix some deal over STEEM we could work that out too ;) .

What type of music content would you like me to create?

I just selected this subject from the back of my head but I would like to know what type of subjects would be of your best interest so I could focus on that for the next books. For now , the material will go for free , who knows if later on I would be able to set up some sort of online store . Any ideas?

I would like to condense this to a webpage or even an app in the future , evolve it to even some sort of online school , but ... one step at a time!

Lastly , here is the book!

Any opinions are more than welcome since I know it will need some fine tuning, so .. any comments are more than welcome!

I will promote this post for more exposure

I hope to hear some comments :)

Thank you for reading

Until next time



Cool little book. The only thing I might add for a better explanation is a visual representation of the modes on a guitar neck to show that the pattern is the same as you change modes (notes). I constantly am bringing up scale patterns on a neck so I can learn different modes and how they relate while learning solos for a song. I'm a visual learner and it would help me to see the patterns instead of just listing the notes if I was just learning this.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much @stephen.king989 for your feedback . Maybe you are referring to this? I can easily add a section with these diagrams:

Modes over Key Center of C

Modes with C as the ''Pitch Axis"

Thanks again!

Yeah that's exactly what I mean. They are much better for the visual learner.

Posted using Partiko Android

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