Millennials have all the answers now…

in #music6 years ago


Staring out into the unknown is something a lot of University graduates do these days. Not because they don’t have anything better to do but because of the simple fact that most of them have a few ideas that will radically transform the way the world works. Whether it be musicians, designers, artists, entrepreneurs or all of the above, the millennial generation are ON FIRE right now reshaping the way everything is done. At the moment, the barrel is firmly fixed on currencies with the invention of Bitcoin and Ethereum in the 2000’s which have taken the world by storm and proven that millennials can create alternative realities that are as real as anything that currently exists (what is real was the subject of the Matrix for those of you unable to grasp the concept).

Fast forward 20 years or so from now and what will happen is the cryptocurrency revolution and the blockchain will have completely taken over our lives, everything will be blockchain based and all music will be consumed through MUSICOIN or something similar. This is a vision of sharism pioneered by leading lights like Isaac Mao and will be very much alive in 20 years or so.

Governments like the Labour government in the UK who insisted back in 2001 that 50% of all School leavers should go to University had a vision for a highly creative and innovative generation and that is what they have created. Those millennials who are spearheading the radical revolution in thought, monetary systems and the way we live our lives will be remembered many years from now as the visionaries who made the world a much more equal and humane place to live.

Listen to KRISG184 for free on Musicoin here:


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