The musical you,:Breeding good music

in #music7 years ago

Many a time, people tend to write themselves off musically, stating thus: "My voice sounds grumpy and hoarse" "I cannot sing because i have ever attempted it", "I cant seem to hit the high notes" etc .

I have good news for you, being a good singer and a music star is attainable. Did you know that professionals and great music icons still undergo trainings and have music coaches who subject them to rigorous exercises in order to train and better their singng techniques? They too, need to improve their singng at every point in time, making their fans itch for more of their songs, thus keeping them in business.

Below are some helpful tips which could aid in promoting your singing abilities.

  1. Strong convinction: Many persons do not believe in themselves, they have a mindset that singing is not " their thing". They prefer to watch others sing rather than go for what they love to do.The sad part is that, they have a strong flair for singing. Rome was not built in a day, come out of your shell and make a move, you would be amazed how professional you will sound in months!


  1. The need for a voice coach: The need to employ a voice coach is also very essential. This is because, at the early stage of your musical sojourn, you have to be led musically by the hand and shown a plethora of techniques, utilizing the ones most suitable for your voice, bringing out the best sounds. Vocal tests and part placement can only only be done by a more musically inclined personnel.

  2. Watch and read up some musical grooming tips online: This could be an additional measure to the foregoing. However, you can watch YouTube videos and make online research on recent findings on good vocal techniques cum trainings.

  3. Consistent Personal Grooming : Interestingly,having a voice coach is good but persistence in personal trainings is best.The bulk of the work has to be done by you.
    Some of these personal trainings include:

  • Breath control exercises: The need to constantly engage in exercises that promote good breath management while singing is very key. A major professional skill which can enhance an extremely grand performance is good breath control.

  • Drink Plenty of water: Always develop the habit of drinking a lot of water, whether you have a performance or not. Stay away from cold water or ice. Cold water tends to tighten and shrink your vocal chords.Room temperature or lukewarm water is trite. Avoid dairy foods such as milk, butter etc. Soft drinks and other similar products as well.This is because the lactose in milk and the other sugars (and sugar substitutes) in soft drinks can cause phlegm and mucus to build up in your throat.

  • Build up your confidence for stage performance : Are you shy? Scared? Having stage frights? Then this is for you.Looking at people while singing may feel awkward at first, but with regular practice, you will get used to it. If singing for an audience makes you nervous, try looking at their foreheads or over their shoulders. Practice singing in front of a mirror before you perform for an audience.

-Make recordings of your voice: This will help to decipher whether your voice sounds pleasant or irritating. Listen to your voice with an open mind and don't try to convince yourself that it sounds right, if it really doesn't, instead improve on the areas you donot find impressive.

  • Criticisms makes you better: No man is an island and there is none who is infallible .The need to be corrected by musically inclined persons is very key.You take note of what areas to improve on which makes you a better performer.

Having done all these as stated above, be ready to sing with all your heart and soul .Let it out, the emotions ,gesticulations, feelings, expressions, everything.
Share with the world that which you have inside- explode!


Nice post dear, keep writing good articles

Aaaawwww thanks alot dearie @ leczy

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