Staffs and solfa! What they truly mean

in #music7 years ago

Hello Steemians
Sorry for skipping yesterday tutorial, caught up with little cold but am happy that it's gone now

So today we going to be discussing about staffs and solfa notations
So first all **what are notations? **
According to my own understanding notations are the rhymes in music that guides am instruments and sometimes the singers on how to flow with the music and even the percussionist (ps: when I say percussionist I mean those who play the drums)

So firstly we would be discussing on staffs
I would want to apologize for no video in my posts lately, there haven't been power supply in my area for weeks now so I can power up my camera or keyboard for a video., apologies please.

So moving forward

Staff notation

Staff notation was something no one thoughts me please, I learnt everything I know about staffs online and am just an amateur when someone mentions staff, so the musical geeks can also help me anywhere I would get anything wrong.

So staff is primarily made up of lines (five lines) with symbols(trebles and bass) according to some websites

images (1).png

But one of the musical geeks I meant told me that staff comprises of letters of the alphabet ranging from A-G
Which is still correct


In the image above you would see that the letters aren't actually arranged alphabetically, cause in music the first and normal key is C so it is been arranged from C to C

Staffs is mostly used by the English Americans and Europeans
And I guess that's the reason no one teach staffs here in Nigeria

Staffs helps one to know the actually limitations of each key on whether minor or major (please bear with me, would explain this on my next post)
Each key has its own staff configuration which is different from other like for instance the image above shows the staff for key C major and below it's an image showing the staffs of key F major

images (2).png

One might ask how can you know these configurations?, well it's easy once you follow a mathematical step of music

TT st TTT st

T= tone
st= semi-tone
(would stop here for this cause to need a video to explain this, maybe next week if there would be power supply, or if I get enouy payout to buy patrol)

The solfa

images (2).jpg

The solfa is the easiest part of music cause everyone knows the normal do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do
If you do? Congract you the sofa
But the hard part of solfa is trying to make is part of you, yea!
I guess we have all met someone who plays any instruments and once the person hears a sound he plays exactly
Because he/she understands the solfa fully well

So it's just that easy, learn the staff and understand the solfa and you are a certified musical instrumentalist trust me

music is joy



All images where gotten from

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