
Hehehe. Mission accomplished XD

At least I'm stuck in a survival scenario with someone who has good taste in music, right?!? Have you seen today's post? Any preference? I vote we take the log option. I'll set us up a discussion post on my page so I don't sidetrack your comments in the future lol

Yeah... I initially thought about standing the ground... but I do suspect the people following are bad, and gunfights seem very lethal here.

So yes, the log is the best option I see.

I do suspect listening to steampunk at max volume during the apocalyose could end us XS XD

We just have to survive long enough to play it over a loudspeaker as psyops. Then we can take over the world. Bwuhahaha.

I'm thinking that I should cross the log first with the rifle so I can cover you from across the canyon?

Good idea, the rifle will give you good range.

Let's just hope this isn't a "trick" where one team member dies XS

(Well... the people choosing the vine on the dead tree, if it survives the first jump, are probably abandoning their partner on the other side, as I highly doubt the vine could take a person and not break the minute they landed, if not before).

I suspect we'll see some short-lived teams XS (We'll... We've already seen a team choose to starve to death voluntarily...)

Have you seen the movie 9 ? It's got a nice Steampunk theme in my opinion :)

Will you do the honors if announcing our choice then :)

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