Reflections - "How to capitalize on Apocalypse"

in #music6 years ago


The soundtrack of apocalypse is Balkan gypsy music.

I should write a book. "How to capitalize on apocalypse." The problem is, it only comes once every few thousand years, so I'd be writing for the next cycle, or referenced from the previous one.

How to do it then?

Ahh, I've got it, I'll pretend that I'm speaking to aliens and that I am the chosen one through which they wish to speak.

Great idea!

Oh shit, there's been a few like this already.

Interdimensional sub-species watching over us as parallel entities to our former selves but living in the same timeline?

Maybe that's gonna only reach a small few that understand that sentence.

I know, I'll just tell everyone that I'm Satan. But that certainly has other negative implications.

Christians... what to do with them.

What happens when they don't disappear into the realm of heaven and they realise they've been duped.

There's gonna be a lot of angry people.

How to deal with apocalypse and still retain a sense of identity post the age of individualism?

What to do?

Any suggestions?



Wowza man, kushty buck my romany mush,
Seems the things you write and sing have landed in the right place. I kinda thought of it it different to the inter dimensional species. I saw it as another "I" or being of "I"ness that lives backwards (or atleast from the perspective that we live forward in time) We are born and live until we die, my otherness is dead and lives till it is born.

Lol. Nice perspective, I fear we must make our approach understandable to the common person so as not to get lost in the noise. Can you simplify it a bit or attach to an archetype that already represents this perspective at least 80 percent? A little compromise can go a long way. Ha ha,


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If there is an archetype for your life flashing before your eyes! Every waking moment whilst you are living you are being, you are doing, you are thinking, you are learning, you are thinking about what your having for lunch, your thinking about your obligations to a friend or a meeting, you wake up and your doing " Getting in the shower" or doing "brushing your teeth" or doing whatever it is you do. Life is spent in this way, You are that living being of "I" ness, it is you doing your life. You feel that time passes in a forward direction, the past is behind you. Your conscious experience of life goes in the direction of forward in time. However what if the moment we die another conscious being comes into existence, something so remote to our forward way of thinking we cannot comprehend it. The moment you die that being comes into existence and begins to live the very life you have just finished living, it lives it in reverse. It experiences all the same things you did, some days in your forward experience you get a sense of the meeting of these 2 forms, you feel wholeness. The death to birth living "I"ness is on the same time dimension as your birth to death living "I"ness. It's a difficult concept to explain but it is something I have experienced, and also something made reference too in Alice in Wonderland. It is a strange memory that only works in one direction!

Consciousness is a game. That's my only response. Have an amazing day!

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I think writing it as a guide for the next cycle would be a pretty cool book. Writing it in the style of zombie land or like the anarchists cookbook

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey, great idea!

If I incorporate it into a dystopian story that could be true. It might actually be read.


Monty x

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