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RE: Magnificent Albums #05 - Ramones//////////////////The Ramones (1976)

in #music5 years ago

Ok buddy, I liked the Ramones AND The Eagles ... and REM for that matter (but never that video :). Let's just say I'm well-rounded when it comes to music. Unlike other cough cough, who may be a little stuck in their ways :)



...and REM for that matter (but never that video :).

WOMAN ... I have you on record! Everything stays on the blockchain forever, remember? YOU LOVED that video. Don't make me prove it. :-)


Now I'm being verbally raped/harrassed by you! Geez MAN, when is enough, enough?!! :)

...and that's called deflection :)


To anyone else reading this comment-reply thread ... we are not lunatics! Inside jokes piled one atop another.


I jumped in in the middle of it when @lynncoyle1 said, "Now I'm being verbally raped/harrassed by you! Geez MAN, when is enough, enough?!"........and i thought what the heck is going on here?....and who am i about to start a war with?😂🤣😂🤣😂 She really is one of the best people i have met her. SO loving and caring. I was so relieved to see it was in good humor.🤪 Have a great day my dear friend! I hope your weekend was relaxing and peaceful.


As I've written previosuly, @lynncoyle1 is Steemit's Homecoming Queen. And, as such ... she's spoiled. She drops in, says, "Hi, y'all" ... and people give her comment an $86.00 upvote.

Someone's got to keep her in line. :-) (She's one of my absolute favorites too ... but don't tell her I said that.)

BTW ... watch that damn video. Really ... watch it. Then you tell me if I shouldn't be giving her a hard time. :-)


Homecoming queen...😂🤣 I love it!!! And after a quick review, yes i believe she may deserve some hassling.

Hi there @johndoer123!! How are you?! I see that with only one video, you've joined @quillfire's harassment team haha

And @quillfire,

(She's one of my absolute favorites too ... but don't tell her I said that.)

I KNEW IT!!! :)

...right back atcha buddy!

Did you see that?!? I gave you a 50 something percent vote...then i remembered you're the homecoming queen and quickly fixed it. But sorry @quillfire, its not an $80 vote...maybe someday.😁

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