Stop Killing Our Friends (Official Music Video on D.Tube)

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Another Steem Powered Production by Davood Faramarzi @davidfar & @LyndsayBowes

Music & Vocals: @LyndsayBowes
Lyrics: Lyndsay Bowes & Massoud Nayeri
Vocal Back: Brendan Bowes @Hendrix22
Music Producer (Guitar/Keys/Synth/Vocal Back): Davood Farmarzi @DavidFar
Filming: @EinarKuusk, @DavidFar Davood Faramarzi, @EddieBowes, @Hendrix22 Brendan Bowes & @AmyMya
Video Edit/FX: Davood Faramarzi @DavidFar


Hands off Syria ~ Hands off Iran
Hands off Afghanistan ~ Hands off Palestine
Hey governments, Stop killing our friends...

Hands off Africa
Hands off all the gold
Hands off all the oil
We know what you want

Hey governments, we love each other, we're connected and we're saying stop killing our friends

We are peaceful and we just wanna be free, everyone I know is crying, crying everyday

All we are saying is, what we are saying is, all that we're saying is: Stop killing our friends

Stop killing our friends in Baghdad, Beirut and Gaza
We want to hear the sound of children's laughter ringing through the plaza
Your mean bombs and your cheap shots
Your demonic media and your rotten thoughts
Could never stop us from being alive and in love!

We are Alive and in Love

A very special thanks to everyone who sent us in photos and art to be used for this video. Your love for humanity shows! May our messages reach far and wide. We declare World Peace.

Download our song Free on DSound

If D.Tube is not playing for you watch here:


Hmmm.... This is good music ma and I love the message 'stop killing our friends', let the world live in love for we are one. Nice voice ma, thanks for sharing.

You set the bar and provide a great example more musicians should follow. That takes guts. All we can hope is more musicians will take a stand cause we fuckin need it right now! 😙

Thank you Michael, that would be pretty awesome of the reasons why Roger Waters is such a huge hero in my eyes...he's really using his fame for good!!

Yeah Roger Waters is a hero thats for sure. Many might wonder why you would write a song like this. Many might wonder why you would put yourself in harms way to get a message out. Well I understand it perfectly well. You are on the side of right and I and many others are along side you. They will fail because they are wrong. LB has the balls of King Kong and aint afraid to call them out!
This is a message everyone needs to hear!

Thanks Michael!! And looking forward to hugging it out in person soon!! xoxo

Hell yeah I cant wait to come visit!

I could listen to this all day .. still can't believe the work and talent that's gone into this .. brilliant stuff!!

I'm so glad you love it, it means a lot coming from a musical man like yourself!!

Amazing!!!! Music is one of the most powerful tools we have. I want to set up an album of tunes like this (I did a series of post a while back, but didn't really take off). To promote the message of freedom, now it the time when music can be freely shared! Fantastic guys love it 💯🐒

You can definitely feel free to share anything of ours!! Make sure to send me the link so I can share your post! I'd love to help spread the message of the other musicians! <3 <3 <3

I did it ages ago back when I joined up. I will start looking into is again at some point again. I have a big venture in planning at the moment so focusing on that!

But might need some music for that ... Umm I keep that in mind for now 💯🐒

Good luck on your new adventure!!! If I can help in any way, let me know :)

Thanks the time will come when I will be looking to Steemit for help. The adventure is mainly focusing on the UK, but this will benefit everyone in the end. But I might require some music so will be in touch for sure 💯🐒

OMG YAY!!! This is amazing & beautiful!!! So happy to see this song get produced, and I'm even in it! So awesome <333

Thank you soooooo much for sending in that awesome photo! <3 <3 Love you Sis!

So glad you shared this song with us. Wouldn't it be awesome if there was world peace? The only way it will happen is if we make it happen. BTW I love your voice!

Thanks a lot for listening Ceci xo <3 <3 <3 World Peace would be awesome...thank you for BEing the change, you spread a lot of Love Sister!!

May I share the song mp3_stop_killing_our_friends to my friend ???
that @lyndsaybowes send to me...

Of course, and thanks again for sending us in your photo <3 <3 <3 Much Love @syahri :)

You're welcome...
I'm sure the song stop_killing_our_friends will be around the world and people will sing it ...
Peace love ❤❤❤

Peace and Love for you too <3

Good for you speaking out on behalf of love and life. It is sad how governments treat people worse than livestock in many cases; how little children are experiencing war, bombings and insane terror everyday, just because they were born on some strategic soil or mineral-rich land. That of which their governments share not with them. May God come and right the wrongs of this world and cast the demons into the pit. Amen!

Thank you so much for writing the TRUTH, much love and yes...AMEN!

Wow that's great music. Nice lyrics. I like this music.

A very soulful song exposing the harsh realities of our time. These killings has to stop, I pray. With sweet people like you crying out in this manner, it won't be long coming.

Thank you Edith...I really pray too...

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