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RE: Music Catharsis after a slump

in #music7 years ago

Another excellent selection.

LOVE Crimson and Clover, though I'm more familiar with the Joan Jett version. It was interesting to hear this different one.

California Dreaming - yep, yep.

Patti Smith - even teenage girls would swoon over this song. Well this teenage girl anyway.

A transistor radio under the covers in bed at night...

Using Dad's reel to reel tape recorder to tape songs off the radio...


Wow, you did that ? radio onto reel to reel? Amazing, I wish I could get my hands on some old reel to reel recordings.

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That album cover was the nearest thing to porn we had seen as youngsters, one could 'just about' see her nipple..and the hair under in the armpits.. phew, we thought she was sooo wild!!!

That was last year of high school. Within a year or two, it was cassette tapes. Soooo much easier. I wonder what happened to those reels?

My reasons for swooning were probably a bit different.

The lyrics were the reason for your swoon and that crush you had on the head boy or Victor Lodourum bloke??

Actually, when I look it up, I was already 20 when the song came out, so not a teenager at all. That was the year I went out with an 18 year old punk rocker who introduced me to Elvis Costello, the Boomtown Rats and a variety of other punk and new wave bands. He probably introduced me to Patti too.

My last year at school I was only 16 (I skipped a year) and a lot younger than said boys, so waaay off their radar.

You may have been off their radar ... does not imply they were off yours {grin} ..there must have been 2 dozen girls at my school that I lusted after without them having a clue that I even existed {sob}

How did any of us get through those hellish teenage years?

It would be so fantastic to have these decades of experience and wisdom in those teenage bodies.... but I would never want that teenage angst again... As the sying goes...'Youth is wasted on the young'

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