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RE: An Essay On Salvaging The Music Industry With Decentralization

in #music6 years ago (edited)

Hey great article!

I am also a marketer and got into crypto some years ago, and making music has always been a fulfilling experience. It's so funny how there was a pattern there haha. but you know, no matter if you're just curious about learning an instrument, or singing, or you are a dedicated musician, there's always something that you can find so interesting in a set of chords or a progression, and is such a healing experience also, I mean to me it is, it really can make you grow as a person, once you embrace the process of making music, you can really grow.

I do agree with you that now, music is about fitting what works the best, is one single formula, anything out of that standard formula, is almost like blasphemy! haha

why didn't you do what everyone is doing already? xD How could you!? you have to sound like the rest!

no but anyway, I think that musicoin is going forward in the right direction! It can become a whole ecosystem that not only benefits the musicians anymore. Think about it, developers weren't needed before in any stage of releasing an album or a live show. In the future, somehow directly or indirectly, they will be taken into consideration because of having to work with smart contracts, or dapps. Blockchain is creating new jobs at the same time as improving the existing ones. Musicoin can host an ecosystem, just as steemit does, for the music industry as a whole, because I think we can't exclude everyone else involved in the industry. I wouldn't be more happy to know that producers could gain even more exposure because you could see in the metadata of the song, everyone that supported the song to become a reality. the band, producers, live show crew, etc. I mean you would purchase an album, and then have all this information embedded so you can verify the veracity of the file, etc. Be more in touch with a band in so many ways! But I think I'm going to far haha

I'm not keen to say fuck you corporations, you all suck! because there is still room for labels even in a decentralized space. Independent labels of course, we won't be worried about corporations really because no one can acquire a monopoly. Record labels can support independent artists still with their studios and recording equipment to launch demos, EPs, CDs, etc. and distribute royalties through the smart contracts, or if not, at least get payed through a smart contract for their recording work. Then, the artist still has full ownership of their royalties. But they are also a key part in the ecosystem that's what I'm trying to say.

Independent bands still need help promoting themselves once they start. If they can pay through a contract, a company that can provide them that service, it's good for both. I mean, the idea here is destroying intermediary's monopoly and ownership of the band. Is about switching roles. Not depending on them to be profitable. They are still somewhat needed, so we can compensate through the platform, etc. Services can connect to interact in so many ways. I'm thinking like stores, so fans can shop their favorite merch in the $music e-commerce dapp. I mean shit, the idea can escalate really big!

By publishers I don't mean it directly. Those would be technically the smart contracts. But still, the legal aspect to deal with local media could be settle in a $music smart contract.

Ironically, cryptocurrencies as a whole, all look like shit right now hahaha, but just in regards of price which is temporal. The technology as a whole is having a bright future ahead. :)

I'm not sure if you're going to like the music I currently have uploaded in my profile haha

It has some modern music influences. It's electronic music. xD but give it a try haha

I am hoping in uploading different types of genres anyways in the future because I really see a long term value in the platform, just as in steem :)


Now that is a comment I like, one well put together and with such an intelligence behind it. Good job on that and I thoroughly read it, very very good points. And no worries, i am a strange music listeners, I play metal and kind of electronic too so I have a mix in styles I like and your stuff is sounding great man.

I agree, its not that I want labels to go away, more just get with it and start to for once open the doors to technology and also under appreciated artists out there. Producers and also engineers are going to be needed as well. I lucked out over the years and learned a lot about the ins and outs of sound engineering myself through my ear but its not a feat I can expect everyone to be able to conquer and we need those producers and engineers involved to help talent get the sounds they really can achieve.

For me its more a place in time where we can stop the bull, conform to a more decentralized root of music and see where it goes, let it evolve again and maybe it will go back to the troubles or maybe it can become more than it ever been in the music industry. Maybe I am still hopeful but I think it can be done with places like Musicoin and the others popping up lately.

Funny, I think every solo musician that ever had to self promote got that marketing knack down lol. I love that too because those are the marketers I respect, we tend to be more organic and real with people instead of cold and grasping at just the numbers. I totally shifted full force in that area with my fiance in crypto. Many coins I been behind but most proud of being early on with PIVX and a few new ones I am hopefully gonna launch soon so I can openly talk about it, damn NDA's lol.

Definitely keep in touch, I followed your Musicoin page and I am always on that Twitter above in the article. Keep at that music man, its really good. I am more less a metal musician now a days, been more on keyboard/piano stuff myself so I think soon I will be putting up less heavy stuff and more cinematic, always had a side passion for film composing so maybe there is a new blend in there I can experiment with.

Really great comment, wish more did it like that! ~STEVE

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