Alison Clancy - Featured Artist

in #music6 years ago

Alison Clancy oozes art and talent. An actress and dancer by trade, Alison decided one day that she would like to put out an album. Fast forward to now and we have this week’s featured artist. Introducing…Alison Clancy!

Alison is an American currently in Sweden working as a dancer and actress with a Swedish theater group. Why Sweden? Well, because she can, and she expands on this in the IMP video below. When I interviewed her for the feature on Indie Music LIVE I was amazed at her approach to making art. Alison describes herself as a “versatile and adventurous performing artist and creative director” on her Facebook page and I couldn’t agree more.

Alison Clancy – Psycho Tyko

To her music: She says that when making the album Psycho Tyko she didn’t aspire to make a certain type of sound or music. From what I have learned, most vocals were done in one take and the music was built around it without having to define the style or genre.



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