NEW Musical Happenings and More! Consequences EP is getting closer to release!

in #music7 years ago


So, in pure “starving artist” style, I am rolling with a donut on my front driver’s side of my front-wheel drive car and the roads in Springfield are pretty icy today. I am normally not fearful of driving in weather, as I’ve driven in all kinds of wintery weather conditions, however, that donut makes me nervous, so I’m sticking close to the house today.


We had 3 inches of snow at our house basically overnight (essentially in the last 48 hours), with another couple of inches predicted for the next couple of days.

My schedule today was originally to hit up the closest free PC to which I have access to and that has internet access (at the vape shop where I used to work), and I was going to meet with a friend who lives on the outskirts of town. With the state of the roads and the concept of dealing with a portion of the roads in Springfield, MO which people cannot seem to navigate without crashing into each other on a nice sunny day—I am staying in...which in all efforts to turn a day of plans thwarted into a day of contructive creation and community...I actually have time today to spend more than just a minute on Steemit. I’m so thankful that in the next couple of weeks, I have cleared a portion of my calendar to get back into this schedule...I know I keep saying this, but with the latest moon cycle, I have been experiencing a number of changes and realizations in general in regard to who my friends and community truly are, and how much I recognize and appreciate each and every one of you for not only the support of what I am up to, but also for your support of others chasing their dreams, however those dreams may be. Steemit is a magical place to chase dreams, truly.

That said, I figured this would be a good opportunity to share with you all the stuff I have time to share with you, as I’m super excited to have basically and finally reached a point for the back cover art and am pretty close to get that to @jasonrussell so he can work his formatting magic on it, and then the album will be ready for physical release.


Digital pre-orders of Consequnces are available now on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon right now, and available for download immediately on February 09.

If you order on Amazon through the provided link above, your purchase will also help benefit the Good Samaritan Care Clinic in Mountain View, Missouri.


Physical copies will be available at live shows on beginning on February 10th at our Jessamyn and The Consequences EP Release Party at Wages Brewing Company in West Plains, Missouri, where I will be joined with an incredibly talented combo of musicians from a multi-state region accompanying me for the release of the CD. I’ve never been more excited for a show than I am this one, guys, and I’ve never felt that so strongly.


New News!


The “worldwide release” of the song “One More Time (feat. Ryan Dunn)” from Consequences will make its worldwide debut as The Horrible Music Podcast’s Song of the Week in the upcoming weeks (date still TBA). It’s a great podcast with a few thousand downloads a week, it’s incredibly intelligently hilarious, and they’ve been picked up by a few radio stations, as well, so I am very excited to share the song with the HMP audience. I’m including some links to the podcast (Apple Podcasts and Stitcher are the easiest ways to access HMP), as well to their official page. I’ll also be a guest on the podcast in the upcoming weeks/months, as well. Very excited to be working with Jack and the team on that great podcast.

The Horrible Movie Podcast Official Website

HMP on Stitcher

HMP on Apple Podcasts

HMP on Spotify

HMP on SoundCloud

HMP on Facebook

I have a new vape sponsorship through my friends and vape family at 417 Vapor


I worked at 417 Vapor for over 3 years, and had many life-changing and eye-opening experiences over that period of time. I am incredibly thankful to my former boss, Doug, and the new manager of the store, @dennisburklen for heavily supporting my career by letting me use the office computer for all of my PC needs, helping me offset the costs of my vape juice, as well as hooking me up with some sweet gear to wear on stage representing great Premium juice companies like Humble and Time Bomb as 417 Vapor is introducing these lines into their shop. Super appreciative to the whole crew there for all of their amazing support. Local support to the fullest, and although I am no longer employed by them, I am proud to advocate for their shop on stage. Community is the new money.


Also, in the world of bookings and fun things like that, through the help of Full Circle Concept, I will be accompanying Krista Meadows at Cherokee Casino in Grove, OK on Valentine’s Day, which is exciting because this is my first casino gig, and to have the opportunity to play on a holiday is super exciting.


Here are some photos from recent gigs and some really good music-related interactions lately...including from as recent as last night:









Other than trying to stay busy booking gigs and getting this album released in physical form (digital was a breeze compared to some of the hang ups I’ve had in this whole process, but it’s my first time, and I’m learning everything I can so next time it’s way easier, and I can be in a position to help my friends with advice if they choose to start releasing their music this way, as well...but other than all of that, I’ve been perpetually fighting my seasonal depression and trying not to get sick. It seems community sickness of all types is very rampant in my recent areas of travel, and I thank a steady stream of the combination of my ACV, ginger, cayenne, local honey, turmeric, and lemon tea, combined with an elderberry well as regular cleanings with tea tree and diffusing tea tree in the house as well...I’ve managed to just stay on the cusp of sickness without fully coming down with it. I hope this continues, and I am very thankful to Our Mother for providing such wonderful remedies.


I celebrated a pretty big milestone with this lady last week, and we also ended up enjoying a locally made art/horror short film that was premiering at the restaurant/club we wanted to try, so that just made for an even better evening.


My good friend and looping duo partner in Branson, MO over the last summer and fall season, Cole Sherratt, had some exciting news happen with his looping band in Las Vegas, and if I have any Steemit friends hanging around Vegas, go check out The Electriks. They were at The Hard Rock last week, and have a show definitely worth seeing. Cole Sherratt is incredibly talented, and I’ve been fortunate to share the stage with him a lot, and am excited to see where his new happenings in the desert take him.

Jessamyn Orchard Music is on Spotify now and you can listen to my music for free when it drops! Ain’t a Kick is there now! Follow me on Spotify and check it out!


Also, Ain’t a Kick is now on SoundCloud, as well for your listening pleasure.

As always, I am so supportive of this community and the reciprocating nature of support among my friends on Steemit. It’s very different than “the real world,” and y’all have no idea how much I appreciate that from all of you.

All my love,

Sunshine on my shoulders almost always makes me high. —John Denver


I love acv! I started taking about a year ago, and even talked Bryan into taking it. He's always suffered from horrible migraines, since taking he still gets them but not nearly as often or intense. Amazing stuff!

Seriously, the ACV regimen (I’m sold on Bragg’s that contains “the mother” in it) has changed my life. I have seasonal allergies that are a bitch, also when my anxiety is high my immunity is lower, and the ACV combined with this tea I’m drinking have really helped keep my system up to speed to I can continue playing music through these cold months. I’ve been “almost sick” a couple of times, but thankfully have avoided a full-on anything (so far) this winter.

Oh yes, same here! I won't go with any other brand. I've been able to avoid it as well knock on wood, I think Bragg's plays a big role in that. It's a big part to my wakeup routine too, if I don't have it I almost don't feel normal!

Since I’m trying to keep my caffeine intake suuuuuper low (ideally none), my tea in the morning is my “new coffee” and between the ACV and the cayenne powder (do you use cayenne at all?), it wakes me right up with a pep in my step and no crash!!

Yeah, it sounds crazy coming from a coffee lover, but I've changed my routine up a bit this past week and I'm coming to the realization that I get the shakes drinking too much. I don't know if I'll come to a complete stop (I love the taste too much) but I have definitely been slowing my intake. I've only recently started using cayenne with a few recipes. I'm kinda new to it! You add cayenne powder with the acv? That definitely sounds interesting, and I bet it is quite the energy booster! I'm curious to try!

I am probably going to post on my “miracle tea” combo that works for me soon (in process of standardizing it so I can share specific actual ratios or tsp and have a recipe on record for it)...I’ll tag you in that post when it goes live. Probs a week out or so.

I’ve been experiementing for a about a month on different methods of making this tea. For a long time, I spent basically an entire day boiling down a pot of lemons squeezed and then put into the pot, ground lemon peel, fresh-ground ginger, cayenne powder, Bragg’s, and tumeric powder...and it worked very well. I always added agave to the cooking process but local honey when/if I heated it up (I like the taste). It was super concentrated and good...and it worked in a lot of ways: (skin clearning up, inflammation down, vocal recovery, less chronic joint pain, i could go on forever)...

However, it is incredibly time consuming, and the two things I noticed when my schedule got crazy were that I didn’t spend the day making it...and also my gut problems started coming back. I am using powders for everything and while I realize that I am looking strongly at the quality of the powders and I am making it by-the-cup now and I’ll know in a few days if it has the same gut health results as I’ve had from it before.

Thisi tea at first was presented to me as “Singer’s Tea,” but I have modified it to also be gut-health-and-inflammation reducing drink, and I definitely notice the benefits from it.

Busy, busy, busy! But it looks like it's all coming together! I'm so happy for you and proud of you too! You are such a hard worker, and I know it will all pay off for you! Love you doll!

Busy feels like it doesn’t even begin to explain it some days!!! It is all coming together, though, and I’m hoping in the next couple of days, everything will be finalized and maybe I can breathe least until it’s released. Or what I’ll probably do is just find other things to be stressed tf out about and just go from know how I roll. ;)

Love you!!!

Haha! Well if it isn't one thing, it's definitely another! ;) Stay strong, beautiful! You got this!'re hard work looks to be paying off...I'm truly happy for you...

...Peace & Light...much Love...

Thank you, my friend. All the light and love to you as well, @slimstanley.

Missed you.

This journey has been much more arduous than I anticipated. Working through getting all of this work done combined with the depression and anxiety I’ve been dealing with, has made me feel so overwhelmed on a regular basis. I’m working daily to rephrase my negative cyclical thinking, trying to take things one day at a time, and actually glad that I have a little break in my schedule between now and release time. I miss all of you so much, and your reaching out always means the world.

Being a one-woman band doing this indie thing is hard work, @luzcypher. I know you know about that life more than most. Not the “one woman band” thing necessarily, but how much WORK actually goes into making it work.

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