in #music7 years ago (edited)

I don't know about you - but on my planet - I literally have a backing track for every single passing moment in my life. It has been this way for as long as I can remember. I have wonderful childhood memories of table dancing on Saturday afternoons whilst accompanying my mom to the live jazz sessions at the Heidelberg in Obs. - I think I even got a 20c tip once. haha!

I am sure my brothers will also attest to the eardrum torture they "supposedly" endured, as I frequently (and rather loudly) sang along to my moms Jennifer Rush and Beatles LP's! - Ag shampies guys... eating your peri-peri laced chappies, trumps that without question. lol

Music is absolutely the "food for my soul" - I don't just WANT it - I NEED it!

It enhances my mood (be that good or bad) - come on, we all know there is nothing better than occasionally wallowing in your own misery with some good old school emo 90's rock filling the background... truestory! Nirvana, CountingCrows and PearlJam FTW!

But music is just as powerful in the elated moments too. It is also often a "swaying factor" - taking you from a place or space that you didn't want to be in, to one which once again gives you peace in heart and mind.

I am rambling (ok - that's the entire point of a blog though, right... haha)

Anyhoo... I felt like sharing a little of the music in me... with you...

Enjoy it, or not ;) - but a heads up... I am a Gemini... it is NOT going to be a streamline selection. lol

(Don't say you were not warned!) lol!

This one is not for those that bore easily... it is a movie within itself... but one of my ALL TIME FAVOURITES!!! (Grab the popcorn, its a long ride...) This song and its video, completely CONSUMES me! - Still not sure whether this is a good or bad thing. lol

Another one by the same group, but so completelycontrasting - yet equally if not more impactful (to me anyway) - Love this band!!!!!

Time to flip the Gemini coin...

This one is an all time favourite of my moms... which I introduced her to... It was one of my best, but I would have to say, that I think the passion for what it symbolises to her, surpasses mine....

If I were to choose a song that digs out my passion more than the above, it would probably be this one...

Time to flip that coin again...

Anybody that knows me well, know that I am a massive, Massive, MASSIVE Elvis Presley fan.... and this song is my ULTIMATE!!!!!!! My absolute BEST... all the waaay down to the core. lol

and funny, somebody mentioned a completely contrasting track to me earlier today which I fell in love with a few months back because it reminded me of Elvis and also because I think it is simply the best "style" of her music I have ever heard... she really should do MORE of this!

Rihanna clearly likes to spend a lot of time in water and well, it seems to work because all the songs she sings in it are just amazing... another one of my favorites... (of hers)

This one reaches a little (too deep) for me if I am honest, because it takes me back to a place that I left a long time ago... BUT powerful nonetheless...

and seeing as I am getting all emo and stuff... I figured I might as well share the one that REALLY speaks from my CORE! This woman's music resonates with me more than I care to admit. It is simply AMAZING! Her music videos are ART all on their own.... a little disturbing for those that don't like to dig too deeply, but well, I am not one of "those" so... I love them!

Although I love the above track more, it would feel wrong to disregard the one song of hers that made me fall in love with her in the first place...

About that coin...

ok, enough emo... time to get angry ;)

This has to be one of my all time favourite "angry" songs... and rather "apt" in more than one

if I was to select a second "angry" song it would most likely be this...

ok, ok, time to let the anger go... lets move on to something a little less aggro, yeah... to "THE MASTER" himself! Daaaamn! Sexiness is!!! How many of you have actually ever bothered to (even attempt to) follow the lyrics of this mans tracks?! He is the SHIZ NIZ!!!

Ok, my bad... that was till a little bit angry wasnt it... ;) - moving along shall we...

but fnck seriously... did you LISTEN to that?!!!! (sigh)

ok ok....

happy it is... lets go..

(still need a moment to recover the awesomeness of the above awesomeness!!!)

Alright... let's get our happy on shall we... and I will leave you with this... xxx

Until next time...

Much love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

ok, ok.... one more... for the road ;) - and possibly my all time favourite above all others... (and that is a difficult thing to say, as a

This song (and video)... is.... MY ULTIMATE!!!!


You made my day @jaynie :)
Thank you <3

Absolutely THRILLED to hear that :) and even better that it be through the source of music ;)

Nice collection,
Love on the brain.

up voted


Thank you :) Much appreciated! do you get that background on your home page?

sorry...posted in the wrong post 😙🙄

no worries :)

I think they must be rolling it out... as not all seem to have the option... but it is in your profile settings...

good post :) upvoted&followed :)

Glad you enjoyed it - thank you!!! :) Was just in the mod for a little fun last night! :D

You can keep questioning with mercury, or find answers with Jupiter.
You can read between the lines on that one. Hugs.

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