MUSIC - Food for the soul! #1

in #music7 years ago

Greetings Steemians... in the words of us South African's - Let's make the circle BIGGER!!!

I don't know about you - but on my planet - I literally have a backing track for every single passing moment in my life. It has been this way for as long as I can remember. I have wonderful childhood memories of table dancing on Saturday afternoons whilst accompanying my mom to the live jazz sessions at the Heidelberg in Obs. - I think I even got a 20c tip once. haha!

I am sure my brothers will also attest to the eardrum torture they "supposedly" endured, as I frequently (and rather loudly) sang along to my moms Jennifer Rush and Beatles LP's! - Ag shampies guys... eating your peri-peri laced chappies, trumps that without question. lol

Music is absolutely the "food for my soul" - I don't just WANT it - I NEED it!

It enhances my mood (be that good or bad) - come on, we all know there is nothing better than occasionally wallowing in your own misery with some good old school emo 90's rock filling the background... truestory! #Nirvana, CountingCrows and PearlJam FTW!

But music is just as powerful in the elated moments too. It is also often a "swaying factor" - taking you from a place or space that you didn't want to be in, to one which once again gives you peace in heart and mind.

I am rambling (ok - that's the entire point of a blog though, right... haha)


I literally don't have any genre limits when it comes to music, except perhaps female opera and most kwaito... (feel free to challenge me on those - my ears are always open). I have been exposed to so much music in my life that I can honestly say that I have met few others who have a taste quite as eclectic as mine. From Elvis Presley to Marilyn Manson, I will take it all! Perhaps it is a Gemini thing...

The problem however, is that we all seem to get somewhat "stuck" in our circles of preference when it comes to what we listen to, so over the last few years, I have made a point of seeking out random albums or artists and giving them a good solid listen. It is amazing how much phenomenal music is out there and it is great to expand your horizons.

So - in the spirit of this ongoing endeavor - and the ACTUAL point of this blog post (see, I was rambling) - I stumbled across a few great tracks and artists recently and being a well raised woman - with the whole "sharing is caring" philosophy in the forefront, I thought I would post some of them for you to hear... probably with a "to be continued" spirit for future discoveries too.

Ill keep the title for these future musical discovery posts as "Food for the soul" - and so we shall go - and grow (musically anyway!)

Maybe you know them, maybe you don't - but here they are... oh - and if you have any to share... go right ahead!

​Enjoy... until next time...

​...oh, and as my mom always says... "Don't forget to listen to the words!"

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