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RE: A Rock Star is Minding Nanny.

in #music6 years ago

howdy sir blanchy! hahaha! what a wildman! and you take after this guy?
What a great story about your dad and your nanny! I loved it. And love that old beat up guitar, amazing.
I even listened to the videos, I needed to get some juice back so I could keep commenting! lol.
What happened to him, it sounds like he's not with us anymore?


He died of liver failure in 1995 aged just 47. He had liver failure. And you know what everyone thinks . Alcohol but he wasn’t that much of a drinker.

oh I'm sorry to hear that sir blanchy! well at least his music and concerts live on.
Sir blanchy, no comment from you on my mention of you in one of my posts? wow you must be buried in work or I finally made you speechless! lol.

I am ! I’m catching up on you later on so Il see it soon . I have you on auto vote to catch your posts and then I read them in one go when I’m free. You know me! Never speechless!

sir blanchy! I know but it's fun to harass you, I know you will eventually get there. It's funny because when i made a comment about the guy in my post being Irish several people commented and agreed with me and I was just being silly! lol.

Yeah I’m just after seeing that!! They are on my list now!!

haha! oh what kind of list? A good list or bad list? haha I thought it was very surprising to have people agree with me when I'm just being totally silly with no sense whatsoever!
why, what's your opinion, does Black Bart look Irish to you? He could be the poster boy for Old West criminals!

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