Can You Match Music to my Wednesday Yellow ColorChallenge Photo?

in #music7 years ago (edited)

So this is my Wednesday Yellow photo. I took it one evening, walking down the streets of Glasgow, Scotland, as it was drizzling. I loved the reflections of color on the wet street.

When I see all the night sights of a city, I sometimes feel certain types of music. This one felt a little like smooth soul with mellow minor chords, medium tempo. It wasn’t a big city so I didn’t hear “New York New York” in my head. This was more like...hmm...more like Seal’s Live in Paris version of “Just Like You Said.

Here, check it out. Let me know what you think. Does this song fit my picture?

Feel free to post something different if you think there is a better match.

Thanks for visiting!!
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🌷I really like the idea of adding a song to a photo! That's great! Thank you @itsallasong :)

Thanks! And you’re welcome! Lol

This is cool, perfect match.

I love reflection of the colours on the street too, makes so irreal the photo shoot

Thanks @julitonski! I thought it was quite colorful for a dark rainy night.