
Sure , I kind of took it apart so it is just now sitting on an old drawer without being connected ! hahaha. It is basically a mix of old and new gear , as I kind of like the sounds of Tube Preamps and Old School pedals with some sort of facility when switching around and making patches.. :P!

MIDI rig.jpeg

What We have here is a Preamp and two FX brains as the core of the rig and everything is MIDI accesible .

The Carvin Quad-X is a 9 tube 4 channel preamp that weighs a ton and gives the main dry sound , each channel has an independent in an out so it is very flexible , on the Main FX loop of the Preamp is the TC Electronic G-Force FX unit , where I store my patches for Delays , Reverb , Tremolos ,etc , anything is programmed inside that box in Bank presets and controlled via the Gray Boxes which basically give simple MIDI commands like Preset Change , Tap Tempo , or turn on and off a specific effect , the controls change depending on the patch.

The other brain is the NUX Cerberus controller which basically is a Router, MIDI switcher with some on board FX , that unit is a lot newer and I use it both in front of the preamp and in the preamp out as it has ins and outs in it's back for the gain section and post-gain section. I basically use the NUX for it's IR loading capabilities so I can store Digital Amp Cabinets in it. Since it has a Dry Kill button and Stereo Outs.. I can route it in many ways . The simplest one would be out from the Carvin with the G-force in it's FX loop to the NUX IR loader and then to a Stereo L and R feeding a mixing desk or a power amp, But another setting I like to use is a Dry/Wet setting . meaning the Fx coming out independently on one side and the raw signal coming out from the other and just mix it however I like it. You can just add any guitar pedal on front or in the loop of a channel however you want. I mostly just use distortion pedals , the rest I take from the rack units.

I am planning on hooking it up to just be a recording rig since it is very unpractical to lug around for live playing and I work at studio 80% of the time .. not performing live so much anymore. So I would just have it with a L and R out feeding two inputs of my Apollo Sound Card.. and work the rest with plug-ins.. oh .. technology! makes it easier :D !!

Sorry for the log nerdiness ! hahaha !

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