HBro's Album Review #1 - "Concrete & Gold" by Foo Fighters

in #music7 years ago

Hello Steemians

This is my first ever album review. I am a lover of music and especially love taking a journey through an album. I am the guy that enjoys sitting down with an album and listening through it. So I thought, "Why not do some album reviews?"
Now I am not the most accredited album reviewing person in the world but these are just my thoughts.

Also, this will be more of a 'what I like" more than a what I dislike. (Unless I really dislike something)

Some albums that I reviewed I will be an avid follower of the artists music while others I just may be starting to listening to them or maybe I have never heard an artist before. I feel like that will make some things interesting in the future.

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So, without me rambling anymore, Here is the album review of Concrete Gold by Foo Fighters.

What I know about the Album

In doing light research I have seen the trending theme of a Beatles feel. In my first listen through it is very heavy on the Beatles theme and feel. I think so strong that people could tell without knowing. My personal opinion about it is that it pretty awesome. You have the "grunginess" of Foo Fighters with the abstract writing musically and lyrically of the Beatles.

Another thing is I really didn't know about the album release until I saw it on Apple Music. I love to listen to the Foo Fighters but I would not say I am an avid fan that keeps up with tour dates and things like that.

Track 1 - T-Shirt

The song starts with a subtle acoustic intro with Grohl sing in a melodic manner which matches that Beatles theme. Then a big Intro hits with crazy loud guitars. I was was honestly kind of startled. Then moves into the classic Foo Fighters walk up to build suspense. What I wasn't expecting was was the 70ish riff thrown in after. However it was a nice touch. Short Song. Great Intro!

Track 2 - Run

This track is a lot more true to Foo Fighters music. It has a rocking vibe with an almost light Indie vibe when it come to the chord progression. Then you are thrust into a head banging part of the song that just makes you want to go crazy. Grohl start dreaming with his signature Grohl Growl. It's awesome!! I thoroughly enjoyed this song. Especially the big rock out at the end.

Track 3 - Make It Right

You know its about to go down when you hear a high hat and Guitar riff intro and FF does not upset with a crazy cool shuffle beat continuing the the guitar. But instead of hitting a crazy rock out part after they go into a more Beatles style jam and I like it. It definitely is different but not distasteful. They do rock out though after the second chorus so if your a head banger don't get to upset! Not my favorite track so far but I really enjoyed the shuffle beat with the riff throughout the song!

Track 4 - The Sky Is A Neighborhood

This track start with kind of a half beat feel. I don't really know what Grohl is talking about but is sounds nice. The chorus doesn't really flow with the verses very well to me. I like both parts individually but not really together. Really different chords in this one. I am actually impressed because you don't really hear that a lot in your grunge rock music. This was decent song.

Track 5 - La Dee Da

Like track three you know is about to go down with a bass intro. (Especially a distorted one) This song is great. Not really true to the the early Foo Fighters but Dave Grohl is an awesome screamer. This is your crazy rock song that makes you want to fight someone. All there is to the songs is speed distortion and and yelling, but they can't be beat!! I loved this song!!

Track 6 - Dirty Water

The song starts very mellow. Has that Beatles vibe for sure. It is a very enjoyable song so far. I really loved the guitar solo in the beginning. It just put me in a good mood. Then just like FF you are pulled back into the rocking vibe that they want you to feel. This song to me confirms the uniqueness of FF. They have a distinct sound, and style that is hard to match. Awesome Song.

Track 7 - Arrows

Song starts out with a "mysterious" chord progression and some distorted drums. I'm a fan of distorted drums, I don't know about you! The song then builds to a classical FF style chorus. This song to me is essential FF music. I like when artist grow and try new things but give us some of the old styles too! It brings back good times. Great guitar solo in the rock out. Great girl song. I don't plan to focus a lot on lyrics but these are just plat out awesome. Great Song!!

Track 8 - Happy Ever After (Zero Hour)

This song stays true to the Beatles theme in the album. Sounds great. I really love the melody in the chorus it ver simple and grooving. Once again does not disappoint on the guitar solo. This is the first time that they have started mellow and stayed mellow but it was great!

Track 9 - Sunday Rain

This song is very different from the others. It sounds a lot like it could be a Pink Floyd song. The progression in the chorus is unique and awesome. The verses can get kind of boring, but i thing the chorus makes up for that. Kind of long but a decent song.

Track 10 - The Line

Another classic FF sounding song. I like the Beatles vibe throughout the album because it really shows you how that vibe can be found in FF's classic songs. I know I have sounded like a fan boy but really can beat classic FF. This sound like there most poppy song on the album. Probably will end up in a hits radio station. Great Song.

Track 11 - Concrete & Gold (Title Track)

Starting out it not impressing me. It definitely has the "weirdness" of the Beatles. Maybe Grohl wanted to make a weird song like the Beatles. Well it is weird but I don't really like it. The guitars and vocals sound great but just not liking the song overall. The song repeats and drags me through that weirdness once again. This song just made me say Ehh..

My Final Thoughts

To rate the album I would give it a solid 7 out 10. I was fun to listen through. I didn't really like how it ended with a slow groggy tune. That kind killed the momentum for me!
The production was outstanding but I really expect nothing less for Dave Grohl. That guy is an amazing producer!
I recommend if you even remotely enjoy listening to Foo Fighters then you should give this album a listen. You will not be disappointed.

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Well in-depth music review there mate - you've obviously got a knack! Never been the biggest fan of FF but at least they're keeping the guitar alive in the mass of EDM crap that comes out these days. Keep on keeping on!

That’s true! Not many bands are strong enough to stick to their roots! Thanks!

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