Our Fundraising Post is #1 on Music Trending!! Also I am Failing to Avoid Social Media SO BAD lol

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Two quick updates:

eBook Fundraising Success

For one thing, holy shit!! We're the top trending post for music! GO TEAM!!

That Avenged Sevenfold review threatened our rank (lol), but we persevered. We held strong. We had massive support from the incredible team over at the @sndbox incubator.

We got another big vote from the generosity of mega-Steemian @ausbitbank. And along with that, we had more than 100 smaller grassroots votes - people just like you or me, voting up for a buck, or even a cent, and helping us along. Without any of these resources, we may have failed to reach number one.

This is a huge vote of confidence by Steemit towards our project - it shows that the Steem community continues to appreciate our music scene and wants to help us grow. And we're gonna take that and run with it.

It's Not Too Late to Vote or Resteem

If you haven't upvoted or resteemed, it's not too late. The post has only been up for 12 hours and I plan to keep promoting and raising awareness for it all the way until it pays out.

If you want to help, all you have to do is upvote and/or resteem THIS POST. And if you can let your friends know about it on Twitter/Discord/Steemit Chat/etc - that's another huge way to help.

Our goal is to raise $2,700 USD - with this post and our savings so far, we'll be above $1,000. It's a great great start - but what if we could do more? Can we raise even more money on this post? I think so, so let's work hard and see if we can make it happen.

BTW - in case you weren't aware, all of these funds go to the project (with a small % going to Sndbox directly for other projects as well) - none go to me personally. Each vote on this post is a vote for Steemit itself.

Also: Failing Hard at Avoiding Social Media

Here's the saga so far in case you are just joining us now:

Part 1: No Social Media at Home Experiment: Breaking the Addiction
Part 2: Update on No Social Media at Home: The Withdrawals are Kicking In!! Aaaah!!!

This morning I woke up early and spent a good 30 minutes on my phone browsing Twitter. blew it. The problem is, until the sun comes up, its so cold. I dont wanna get up - and my phone is right there :-P.

I might have to start keeping my phone out of reach of my bed. That way when I wake up, no matter how lazy I feel, the phone is only accessible by actually getting out of the bed and standing up. It's similar to the ol' "Put the alarm clock out of reach so you can't stay in bed" strategy.

One trick you learn about addiction is you can't just eliminate habits - you gotta replace them. What replaces the phone? The obvious answer is a book.

So I guess I'll be grappling with this hard sci-fi, ultra-conceptual work of fiction courtesy of @wdougwatson, who recommended this insane book to me:

...life comes at ya fast.

lol, we'll see what happens. Maybe I need to find some lighter, less plot-oriented reading for my morning awakening. I used to always have books around the my bed, IDK what happened. Stupid blockchains got me all digital.

What's your addiction right now? We may not all be fighting the social media demon, but we're all probably working on some kind of habit adjustment. Tell me your struggles in the comment so we can get some solidarity going in here. :-)


Addictions? Let me count the ways...

You know how they say someone's a chocoholic if they eat chocolate too much?

I'm like that, but with booze.

(Wish I could remember who I'm stealing that quote from.)

lol! that's a good one.

Great initative.

I myself, am a musician and I would like to help you a little bit more, but I just started here on Steemit 6 days ago, so I don't have enough Steem power to help, but I will help with the future ones definitely.

Great John thank you dude. I understand how it's tough when you just start out, I remember early on I was so excited when my vote went from $0.01 to $0.02 lol!

Appreciate the support, even just commenting on a few posts here or there is a big help. Hopefully the guide will be useful for you once it is done.

Yes, it's tough start, but it's not that bad in my case,becuase I'm having fun.

I love writing, I'm training my English skills and in the process, I make cryptocurrency.

Can you please just tell me one thing?

Now I'm at 0.01 and I'm making a slow progress.

But, does it go up faster few months later?

Yes at least for me it gets faster over time

I took a look at some draft chapters that was linked on the post, and I think that it's great. It's clear and not technical, which would make it an easier read and follow. Keep up the good work! I really hope it would entice more musicians to Steemit, and make the music community grow further.

(I have a reading addiction. I can't get by a day without reading, not one, but several books. Takes a huge chunk of times, which I should be using to study.)

A reading addiction is the best kind!! I am trying to be more like you, I used to read so many books but lately my time has been sucked up by less valuable "internet reading" on social media and news websites.

Thank you for checking out the chapters and the feedback btw!! I am hoping that this will do exactly what you said - entice more musicians to Steemit.

Haha, it's not a good habit when I'm supposed to be spending time practicing the piano for exams :)

I've been on Steemit for a few days, and observed that the musical community was much smaller than the others, even though people who are part of it are really enthusiastic. My friend and I were actually planning on recruiting our musician friends from Facebook.
When the your eBooks finished it would make it easier and much more smoother to introduce them here. :)

Awesome!! Great lets talk more about that as the book gets closer to being done. Id love to help you with recruiting your friends here.

Lets (^_^♪)
Wishing success for the book. It really would make a difference for musicians for steemit! I'll keep an eye out for updates.
Now I'm off to follow some of the advice from the drafts.
(= ̄▽ ̄=)V

lOl. That book might not be wake up material. I'd recommend a few cups of coffee beforehand at least.

Actually I found my groove with it, I've done one chapter upon waking up each morning for the last three days! After the first two chapters, the plot picked up and it got easier - still crazy and mind-bending, but much easier to read.

The second chapter "Truth Mining" had me going "holy shit, even for me this is hard to parse any of the information" lol. But I'm loving this book so far Doug, great suggestion!!

Steemit is good for everyone and makes everyone happy
Steemit is the best platform for fundraising for every social cause
many peoples wasting time on the social network but many few people's doing something great like you I hope you will achieve your target and my good wishes with you
Thank you @heymattsokol.

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