Attention Musicians: Illuminati Inc is Still Giving Away $20 Upvotes for Great Music Content!

in #music7 years ago

Two months ago, I posted about the new Curie music subcommunity. We’re trying to give away ten $20 upvotes each day to great original music content.

This is how you can think about Illuminati Inc.

This group (now called Illuminati Inc) is still alive and well! We’re upvoting 5-10 posts most days and our curators (myself included) are looking through every single music post on Steemit each day just so we can find the best ones.

What is Quality Original Music Content

As a quick reminder, here are the guidelines of what Illuminati Inc are looking for when voting:

  • Posts should be all original material. Covers are OK but the actual content (the video/audio recordings and the text of the post) should be original and be brand new to the internet in general.

  • It’s ok to crosspost but it should be new, meaning that the content was first uploaded to the internet within the last week.

  • Generally we want to see one of these: An original music recording (studio or live), OR, some kind of thoughtful text post with 400+ words and a few images.

  • Quality of text (grammar, flow, interest) and photos (fidelity / lighting / originality) are a big part too.

If you spend a lot of time on a video or audio recording, it’s ok to not include a lot of text. But you REALLY should include at least an intro paragraph before the video and a conclusion afterwards. That’s the only way we can be sure it’s even an original/new post.

You would be amazed at how many times I see some good content, but I don’t know if it is spam or not. If somebody posts a video with no text, it looks like spam… you can give some context with a hundred words at the very least.

Lots More Upvotes on The Way

You want upvotes? We got ‘em!

No charge. Keep your SBDs, we don’t ask for a dime… all we ask is that you make great music content for steem. We can upvote authors once per week - so you could earn an extra $20 per week this way.

Illuminati’s staff is currently working hard to streamline our internal processes so we can offer the most consistent support for great content. Every post is hand-curated (no bots) and above all else we are trying to be inclusive and identify as many great creators as we can.

Sound good? If you have musician friends on steem, let them know about the Illuminati Inc opportunity. We can work together to allocate more money to our best steem musicians :-)



I think this is really great for what you are doing. I don't create music or play any, but my son plays electric guitar, but doesn't play his own written songs so I can't contribute to this, but just wanted to say thank you for making this community a better place by helping others.
Great Job @heymattsokol

Well this suits my skills!

Oh yea you got a half vote from us yesterday actually. You'll probably get more in the future if I were to make a guess :-D

Was that on the vinyl piece thing? Because I wondered why my pocket suddenly exploded today. (Steemify app notifications)

Ah thank you! I had no clue! I just came back from lunch to like 53 notifications!

How can I participate in this content?

Everybody who posts original music content (songs, reviews, original editorial, beats, open mic, etc) is eligible for upvotes. We look at all the music posts each day and upvote the best ten.

I understand.

thanks for sharing i appreciate to your concept..and music my favorite always..

Upvote and resteem complete dear @heymattsokol.

You said very well

you should lestin to this

Hello there dear steemit this is was in Libya they made it in real war people fighting and other play music hope you can upvobes me and enjoy music here take it

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