22) americans CAN NOT, NOT SEE RACE (Help me bitcoin, may I come home)

in #music8 years ago


Prior to moving to american, the most racist INDIVIDUALS I had ever met were some white South Africans.  They left South Africa in the 90’s during the fall of apartheid, because they felt it was unfair.

After moving to america I have met many people far more overtly racist then them.  The most racist INDIVIDUALS I’ve met in america have been black.  Nobody in this country is willing to admit that, this is even possible: either out of self righteous entitlement; fear of having a hate mob destroy their life by yelling racist to their employer; or to demand public praise by pointing out that everybody but them is racist, by falling back on simplistic racial stereotypes, and platitudes.

There are INDIVIDUALS in america who don’t just feel entitled to think and say racist things, but to act on their racism, even feel entitled to violence.  Entitled to never being held accountable for their own overtly racist behavior,  because of their race.  Americans have altered the definition of racism to exempt entire races from being capable of racism.  Nobody in this country is willing to admit that a black person is even capable of racism.  Nobody is either guilty, or exempt from racism because of their race.  So, yes, there are racist white people and racist black people too.

Americans think if it was ever true anywhere, than it is an established fact that is always true, for all people, all the time.  Period end of discussion, or else how dare you.  Americans are publicly rewarded for repeating simplistic stereotypes as absolutes.  Americans are publicly rewarded for seeing race above the individual.  Americans are simplistic, absolutist, group thinkers, with group identities and won’t understand that INDIVIDUALS means not all.  Not all also doesn’t mean never.

If people were afraid to point out your bad behavior, how bad would you as an INDIVIDUAL behave?

If you grew up being segregated by your parents, who were constantly telling you that those people are all born racist and hate YOU, how might you behave towards them when you grow up and have to deal with the world outside your segregated bubble?

If you were told your entire upbringing that those other people have taken everything from you, and that they owe you, not just on a societal level but also on a personal level, how might you behave towards them when you grow up and have to interact with them?

If your entire upbringing you were shown horrible images from HISTORY and are told that those people are actively doing that to YOU right NOW, and you need to defend yourself, how might you behave when you grow up and have to cooperate with them.

If you grew up with an overly protective mother, and whenever you threw a temper tantrum and were disrespectful to others, she would come out and scream and yell at everybody else instead of you, how unaccountable might you feel as an adult.

In America everything is always everybody else fault.  Americans think their insecurities are proof of other peoples bad behavior.  Americans project their sheltered upbringing onto everything and everybody in willful ignorance of anything even mildly different.

Here is something some mothers don’t and won’t understand, just because your son is nice to you, doesn’t mean he is a “good boy”.  If your son is a grown man and has never tried to take care of himself, than he is not a  “good boy”.  If he treats everybody like shit, and takes what ever he wants, when ever he wants, from anybody he wants, like it is owed to him, than he is not a “good boy”.  He isn’t even a man.  He is an infantilized spoiled brat, and it is largely your fault for being a bad mother.

I’m not saying that a few bad apples ruins the entire bunch, but an honest discussion should also be willing to admit that those bad apples exist.  Unfortunately that isn’t socially acceptable.

Yes, there is a major problem in America with overly aggressive police who use the poor as fund raising, but that is a nation wide problem not just towards one race.  Unfortunately any example that fits or can be twisted to fit the simplistic socially acceptable stereotypes gets repeated nation wide for years.  Every example that doesn’t fit, or contradicts the absolutest establish socially acceptable narrative wont even make a single appearance in local media. 

“Black lives matters” is Orwellian double speak perfection.

Do you remember the “Clear skies act”?  Of course you want clear skies, who doesn’t.   However it gut the regulation to help prevent pollution. 

Do you remember the “Voting rights act”? Who doesn’t want voting rights.  However it limited poorer individuals right to vote.

Do you remember the “Healthy forests restoration act”.  Who doesn’t want healthy forest.  However it opened national forest to industrial logging.

“Black lives matter”, of course black lives matter, nobody is saying otherwise. 

However the organization “Black lives matters” pushes for racial segregation of the schools, racial segregation of neighborhoods, and treating people by racial groups instead of by the individual behavior.  That is racist.  If there was ever an example of racism, than it just is, all the time, everywhere.  “Black live matters” encourages simplistic absolute group think, creating anger and division where it didn’t exist before.  My kind, your kind, is racist.  Stick to your own kind, is racist.  Segregation is racist, no matter the race of the segregationist.  If anybody attempts to criticize the direction of the organization, then you are met with the dismissive, accusatory, conversation ending question “Do you think black lives matter?”.  Of course black live matter.

Orwellian double speak perfection.

The “demands” of black lives matters always come down to nothing more than wanting some random white person in an administrative job to submissively admit personal guilt for all of history, beg and grovel to them.  Then quite their job.  This addresses no problems.  This fixes nothing.  This is petty.  This just strokes the egos of entitled brats on power trips.  It feels good to make people beg, and tell you that everybody different than you is wrong.  It feels good.  It fixes nothing, it just feels good.  Any idea that simple, that absolute, that self righteous, that dismissive, and grants instant moral authority over the inferior, and the evil, will spread to places where it isn’t an issue.  Publicly accusing others of racism feels good.  Publicly claiming victim-hood feels good.

“Do you think black lives matters”, Orwellian double speak perfection.

Very basic, quick Google search.

Accusing others of racism to justify racism:


Chants for dead cops: 


Accuses memorial for Orlando gay club shooting of racism for not being about racism:


Segregation of public spaces:


Above are some nice friendly hipster examples of racism.  This didn't include the vile examples of people taking pleasure in sadistic acts of violent racism.  All while feeling justified, after a lifetime of having a segregating parent filling their heads with racism, and a society telling them that history is current.  Everybody in this country bends over backwards to deny that it is even possible, or ever happens.  You will never see any of these vile examples on the news, because it contradicts the socially acceptable narrative, the established facts that allow people to feel self righteous.  Racism can be taught to anybody of any race.  You shouldn't let a few bad apples ruin the bunch, but an honest conversation should be willing to admit that those bad apples even exist at all.

Racism is racist, no matter the race of the racist.

Do you hate americans too?  For more info copy and paste the links below. 




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I hope the number of different crypto-currencies doesn't make me look greedy, just desperate.  Beggars can't be choosers.


American government think that they can enforce their will onto the whole world. This is the most obvious problem today. If it doesn't stops, eventually, we should see the transformation of the world order because USA is not the whole world !!!

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