Time Travel IS 100% REAL! Travelling Back 30 Years in the M4M17 Time Machine - Photographic Evidence!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #music8 years ago

Time Travel IS 100% REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Saturday January 14th 2017, I actually travelled back thirty years inside the M4M17 Time Machine and I have photographic evidence to prove it. (see below)

It was awesome, I had to keep pinching myself just to check that I wasn’t dreaming.

I guarantee you 100% what I am saying here is 100% true.

I caught up with many, many, many, Gee! Many, many, many friends, just as I knew them thirty years ago. We watched, head banged to, sang along to, raised our forks to and applauded the same bands we did thirty years ago. In a Venue we went to thirty years ago. Hundreds of us! Well over 800!

If only you could bottle the energy I experienced, being “in my teens” and back in our old world once again, you could make a fortune. I will surely treasure my memory of Saturday for a long, long time.

Leaving the 80s and coming back to 2017 was a bit of a rough journey, I returned home feeling ‘my age’ again. A few sore muscles is an understatement. I won’t go into the details of my ‘injuries’ but I’m guessing I’ll be feeling a bit stiff for the next few days but that’s OK, my mind is most likely going to be spending too much time remembering little snapshots from Saturday and putting it all together.

I can’t give away any scientific details about the M4M17 Time Machine, but I can reveal how it worked in principal. In order to travel back in time, the machine has to work like a telephone, with a sender machine and a receiver machine. That means you can only go back as far in time to when the first Machines were made. Well, that’s how I think it worked anyway…

I cannot thank the creator of the M4M17 Time Machine enough, for giving me an experience of a lifetime on Saturday. The creator, who many of ‘us’, perhaps most of us in the Australian Heavy Metal Community, consider to be our Queen, Greta Tate, along with a lot of behind the scenes ‘voodoo magic’ by Sham Hughes and Rob Wog, pulled off an amazing demonstration of Time Travel.

Metal For Melbourne 2017

Of course the "Time Machine" was Metal For Melbourne at the Corner Hotel in Richmond, Victoria Australia.
It was a day of total nostalgia for many of us. It had been over 30 years since the last Metal For Melbourne was held back in 1986.

The 800 tickets available were sold out weeks before the event but that didn't stop many more from turning up to hang out in the beer garden, just to catch up with everyone.

The bands were all fantastic. That's an understatement, I know. They were AWESOME!

Thank you to everyone who played a part in putting on such a great day for so many of us.

Photographic Evidence



Bengal Tigers

Bengal Tigers

Nothing Sacred

Mass Confusion




Hobb's Angel Of Death

Cheers & thank you for reading.

\m/. METAL .\m/

\m/. M4M17 .\m/

& Rock on!


By the way: For those who may be interested.
The photos were taken using my Samsung Galaxy S6 smart phone.

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