in #music7 years ago

Hey Steemit friends! I've been away for a few days because of work and by work I mostly mean ''shows with my band Seine''. We were in Serbia (Belgrade and Novi Sad) for a few days, doing some shows and some studio work! We had an awesome show and a full house in Novi Sad (we were in Novi Sad last year in the spring and had about 30 people on the show so 100+ is a big step forward) and played one of my all time favorite shows in Kvaka 22, an underfround place in Belgrade which was also sold out that night!


(a part of the very hot and sweaty crowd in Novi Sad)

(one of our new songs live in Kvaka22. It was pure hell!)

Anyway, our good friend Uroš has an awesome studio in Belgrade so we did a short live session. It was a really fun experience for us because it was filmed and there were a lot of people with a lot of cameras running around the studio and filming us play and that's a totally new experience for the band. The studio is amazing and the session room looks like something that came out of Twin Peaks! I'll be sure to share the session we did with you guys on Steemit as soon as it's done, for now, here are a few photos.


(the main control room)


(note 1: the Twin Peaks curtains note 2: Mišo is hitting the kick drum so hard we had to put a car wheel in front of it to prevent it from moving all over the room).


(a VERY VERY VERY SEXY AND FANCY picture of my Danelectro in the studio).

We did a lot of work over the weekend and also had a lot of fun. Our fun is slowly turning out to be our work and I'm hoping we will continue in that direction because it's the best thing that can happen to you if you have a band - make it into a job but still having tons of fun.

When I travel, i don't bring my laptop partly because I worry I will damage it or forget it in a club somewhere and partly because travelling with my band is a nice break from the work I do on my laptop everyday. Since I was in Serbia for a few days without my laptop, I didn't do much work but when i came back home yesterday, I recorded a studio version of the song ''The Tower That Overlooks the Mountains'' I did for openmic the other day. The song is about manic depression and a life filled with medication mental instability. It's a sort of a cry for help. So I thought: HOW CAN I PUT ''HELP'' IN A SONG? HELP reminded me on SOS and SOS reminded me on Morse code. I couldn't possibly know if an SOS Morse code rhythm would even be possible in the song but I tried it and guess what? IT WORKS! I just used some drum sticks and my guitar. I'm really excited about this because it is exactly what this songs needs. It makes me feel like a cry for help is knocking on your bedroom door. It's nervous and yet it's still groovy. It makes perfect sense with the rest of the song. It interlocks many meanings. What was created was this polyrhythmic blend between the guitar, my singing, the SOS groove and an egg shaker that plays a classic 3/4 on top of it all. It's really exciting! So, here's an unmixed, rough version of the SOS idea! Check it out!

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