'Weaving' - New Original Music - Playing Around w/ Puremagnetik's 'Weave' Plug-In - Electronic/Instrumental + Walkthrough

in #music3 years ago

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I got a new plug-in, 'Weave', from

Track 4, Alex Lenz: Splendid Drones
Puremagnetik; I downloaded a bunch of their free synths and plug-ins a couple years ago when I first got Ableton, but had never really checked back in with the company until last week. I was exploring their plug-ins and instruments, and found this was available for $1 (included in a pay-what-you-want payment for an album from the creators of Puremagnetik). It isn't something I would use for every song, but for spacey, droney, soundscapey stuff, I definitely will find a lot of applications. I used it on the first two tracks here: Track 1 was recorded from a hi-hat pattern that had some small granular slices added from Weave, which adds the weird little rolls at the beginning of each 2 bar section, though I realized I forgot to copy it, so there are 4 bars of rest after each 2 repetitions. The beginning of the song uses Weave pretty heavily in Track 2, though I toned it down a little in the 'main' section, only using it for some spaciness.

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Puremagnetik's Weave

Listen to Weaving here...

Track 3 was recorded from the new LABS percussion

ROLI: 100 Granulated Fairies
pack, and just provides a super simple kick/snare pattern. I wasn't entirely sure where this idea was going, and figured I'd drop this in just to have a basic pattern, though I kind of liked the lo-passed drums with the other, weirder sounds. The levels for everything need adjusting, so pardon certain things being far too quiet. Tracks 4 and 5 both work together, using an Alex Lenz and ROLI instrument, respectively, and play the little 3 note lines heard throughout. I think Track 5 needs to fade out sooner, like Track 4 does, and there needs to be some variation elsewhere, so its not just constant repetition, but I like the timbre of these together, so I'll play around some more and see what happens. Finally, we have Track 6, which uses one of the LABS Textural Pads, along with another instance of Weave to give it a little weirder, warbly sound. Considering this started from a completely random sound, I think there is some cool stuff here. It's definitey not cohesive yet, but I can hear some potential in the weirdness, so I'll work on it today and see what comes of it!

Enjoy the sounds!

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