'Dayglo Desert Skies' - New Original Music/Rough Demo, Mapping Out Some Ideas! Electronic/Synthpop/Instrumental + Walkthrough!

in #music5 years ago

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This song started with

the first track, and was going to be something super spacey and ambient, with no obvious beat, but as I added some more tracks (the bells and the retro synths) I decided to just start rolling with it and add an actual beat and bass and such. I love the drum rhythm, and the general idea, though I did mess up at a few points, and put some incorrect notes in that screw up the harmonies, so I'll probably be doing a second update after working on this.

Listen to Dayglo Desert Skies here.

Track 1 is an instrument

called "Haunted Bells" which was going to be the basis for the song, but wound up filling a bit of a background roll. Track 2 provides the little bell melody, and Track 3 a little progression every two bars, defining the chords a bit more. Tracks 4 and 5 are the retro/80s synth hits, which is where I made some mistakes. They were supposed to do a call and response thing, with Track 4 playing every 1st and 3rd bar, and Track 5 in between on bars 2 and 4. Track 5 is what needs to be altered a bit, as it doubles up on some notes, which isn't the effect I was going for.

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Track 2, bell melody.
Listen to Dayglo Desert Skies here.

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Track 4, synth hits.

Finally we have our last

two tracks, 6 and 7, which are the drums. I love the combo of these two kits, and the heavy reverb on Track 6 made for a very 80s sorta vibe. The beat is far and away my favorite bit of this song, so I'm definitely going to work on everything else to be as cool as rhythms are.

Thanks for listening! Stay tuned for an update as I go back and work on this some more, and iron out the kinks!

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Click here to listen to all of my Steem Monsters inspired songs!

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Loved hearing how you put together the track. I really enjoyed it. I selected you as my SteemCreativeOfTheDay on twitter: https://twitter.com/FeltBuzzWrites/status/1161914029759238145

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate that!
I actually wound up taking these drums and the two main synths and completely redoing this song, as I felt it could be a lot cooler. gonna make a post about that tonight actually, but if you're interested in seeing the evolution, here's the new version.

Hello @grapthar, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!