'CRU$$H' - New Original Music/Short Song Idea! Electronic/Experimental/Instrumental + Walkthrough!

in #music6 years ago

Screenshot 2019-01-21 20.19.54.png

This is a short little tune

that came together last night. I began with the first instrument, and wound up just layering a couple of others on top, but because of the effects on them, they sound really distinct. There are 2 drum kits too, which helped to give that super noisey, intense feeling. Let's go through it!

Listen to CRU$$H here.

Tracks 1, 2 and 3 all

play the same progression, pictured below. Track 1 provides the main synth sound that we begin with, and Track 2 the bass part (same progression, 2 octaves down). This bass instrument has a cool choppy/cutting-out sort of effect which helped to make it sound like it isn't just mirroring Track 1. Track 3 uses the same progression, but I set the instrument to mono and to have a portamento effect, so we get a bunch of weird slides up and down.

Screenshot 2019-01-21 20.20.06.pngTracks 1, 2 and 3, described above.

Tracks 4 and 5 are both

the drum kits that combine for our beat. Simple beat, not much really changes until the little break where we have a fill after 3 bars. Finally we have Track 6, which also only happens during the break. Initially it just holds a D out, but then the effect freq. gets increased and swells up, giving us that crazy twinkly crescendo.

I hope you enjoy today's song! Thanks for listening!

Check out my new E.P. numerical here.

Click here to listen to all of my Steem Monsters inspired songs!

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