'Bucho Maximo' - Some of My Old Music! Punk/Rock/Instrumental + Walkthrough!

in #music6 years ago


I figured it would be fun to do

a throwback song today, from many years ago. I believe I wrote/recorded this in 2008 or 2009, long before I had access to any good DAW's or VSTs of really any kind. I used a program called "Doggiebox" on Mac for the drums, which was actually relatively decent, considering it was totally free. I would then just import the drum .wav file into Garageband, and DI my guitar amp into the laptop, and voila, recording, haha. I would maybe like to one day REALLY record these correctly, with a real drummer, but as of now, these copies will have to do.

Listen to Bucho Maximo here.

The song is built around the riff

which opens the tune. We are in Cmajor, but the second chord used is an F#7add9, which gives us a cool dissonance from the tritone, but still feels like it moves into the F chord follow it nicely. I had just learned about modulation around this time so I was experimenting with all kinds of key changes, and this tune is no exception. We move from Cmajor into the next section, which is in Bminor, and uses a cool little descending chromatic riff that I still dig, super strange.

Listen to Bucho Maximo here.

After we get through the chromatic palm muted

build up, we have another modulation, and move into Cminor, which is the section with the Iron Maiden-esque guitar harmonies. This section ends in a cool way, as everything slows down and sort of just "falls apart", and leads us back into the intro riff in Cmajor.

Hope you enjoy the throwback tuneage today! Thanks for listening!

||| EP 1 - Bandcamp | EP 2 - Bandcamp | EP 3 - Bandcamp |||
||| EP 4 - Bandcamp | EP 5 - Bandcamp | EP 6- Bandcamp |||

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I liked this the fast tempo makes a lot of movement necessary and would make a crowd have a wonderful time.

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