Music 4 life Rock#1

in #music6 years ago

Last time I have written about how I came to GOA

Today Ill give you an insight how I got into music generally the first time, as I can remember.
I cant remember how old I was(must have been around 10), but the first song ever hooked me was It's my life by Bon Jovi.

As far as I remember my dad was in the kitchen and we listen to the radio, like very day before getting to school.
I was eating my cereals, it wasnt like I never listen to music before, but as you know there is a lot of rubbish output.
Suddenly the song came on and my dad liked it too, so he turned up the volume. In these 3 minutes I got an feeling that I havent felt, it was like I got much more energy, it made me immediately happy and I wanted to run like hunderts of kilometers(like in the video, which I havent seen till it came on the TV, which was like few weeks later).
After it ended, it was like a drug and I was on deprivation. I needed to hear it again, but I didnt know how. I had no access to internet like today and I couldnt phone the radiochannel to make them play it again.
So what to do?
I found out that there was an CD called Bravo Hits:

bravo hits.jpg


The first song of this CD was the song I was addicted to. So I begged my parents to buy a discman(this one but in blue)



So my parents bought me one and that was one of the best days in my life, cause I gained so much freedom. Listen to music, whenever and whereever I like. Beside the problems of the headphones, money, the size of the discman, the batteries, the CD that got broken after time and so on.

That was my first step into music. Today I am a bit proud of myself, for getting the feeling what kind of music I like, it was the beginning of my own style. I hope you also like the song.

Write a comment how you got into music and whats your favourite first song ever, I am excited to find out :)


I know, he really got me connected to music :3

I've never seen the video. Love the talkbox they show 😁

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