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RE: Big Band Series Part 8, rehearsal 9 because I skipped rehearsal 8 to do income taxes on April 15th.

in #music5 years ago

I had no choice back then, my mum was "brewing" that stuff in huge jars, tucked away in the kitchen closet...

I was pretty fascinated about the growth of that gelatinous alien on top of the "tea"...

but dang i hated having to drink the final product!

I'm not even sure if it had anything to do with the taste, or whether that was more of a mental thing because the stuff "grew" in our own kitchen?!


Wow, she sounds professional.
It takes getting used to. Especially If we don’t flavor it with something. Without a yummy fruit flavor or ginger flavor, a vinegar-like taste becomes obvious. Also, it develops a more vinegar-like taste if its been fermenting/ brewing for a long time. The stuff in the stores will rarely taste like vinegar. Try a ginger combination if you ever get curious about trying it again.
That gelatinous thing on top is a SCOBY (Symbiotic Collection Of Bacteria and Yeast). Some people make dog treats, bandages, and cinnamon pieces when they bake it. When it’s heated or dried it turns into a hard leathery type of thing.
The thing on top is weird. My finger tips feel softer after I handle a SCOBY. It weird. I eat it. 😁🍻

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