in #music7 years ago

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Alat Music Nusantara
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Alat Music Tradisional Aceh
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Music has its own uniqueness has a beautiful voice and various kinds of musical instruments, depending on its uniqueness. Music also has a tool to calm the soul and will be felt if someone can receive the music tersebut.kerena different maunusia also uniqueness.

Music Sound with relaxed strains, nerves respond more calmly, eye response becomes literate
Music is louder, the nerves respond to work spontaneously keep eyes bulging.
Music has a uniqueness with a beautiful tone. And so does the human nerves respond to what makes the nerves more relaxed. When the soul is calm then the body will be more relaxed and not rigid. Most of the human body 70% of the nerves work hard. When the nerves are stiff then the pain arrives. If the soul is calm will make the body more healthy.

If steeemit friends sometimes if you listen to music that you like to be calm yourself.

all steemit friends in blessed by God


Music memiliki keunikan tersendiri memilki suara indah dan bermacam macam alat music, tergantung keunikannya. Music juga memiliki alat bisa menenangkan jiwa dan akan terasa jika seseorang bisa menerima music tersebut.kerena beda maunusia beda pula keunikannya.

Suara Music dengan alunan santai, saraf merespon lebih tenang, respon mata menjadi melek
Music lebih keras, saraf merespon bekerja secara spontan mata tetap melotot.
Music memiliki keunikan dengan nada yang indah. Dan begitu juga dengan saraf manusia merespon apa yang membuat saraf lebih rileks. Saat jiwa tenang maka raga akan lebih rileks dan tidak kaku. Sebagian besar tubuh manusia 70% saraf berkerja keras. Saat saraf kaku maka kesakitan tiba. Jika Jiwa tenang akan membuat tubuh lebih sehat.

Jika sahabat steeemit terkadang kalau dengakanlah music yang kamu sukai agar dirimu tenang.

semuanya sahabat steemit di berkahi oleh Allah





music juga dapat merifreskan fikiran... tanpa disadari @fahrizal lanjutkan broo jagng lupa follow back and vote serta komennya di tunggu... terimakasih salam KSI

Thanks. Sipp. Ksi sahabat setia.

very beautiful .. please follow me @fahrizal345

Thanks. Okey..

Mnyo ka ne pegah bereh..

Seni itu indah, karenanya kita hidup harus berseni

Luar biasa Bung @fahrizal345 musisi yang mengeluarkan semangat cinta musik aceh

Mantap dan terus semangat @fahrizal345

Siap kanda @ilyasismail.dengan dukungan kanda. @fahrizal345 selalu semagat kanda

Music does relax the mind body and soul, great post.

thank you, I also hope that @diljeetdil become my faithful friend of steemit.
I hope your day is full of steps

Great, thank you. Do you likemy posts? Let meknow what you think?

I am sagat like with your post
hopefully be my loyal friend in steemit

Cool, thats great

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