
This story sounds very much like typical American decision making.

No hymen, no diamond.

Deleted my account 10 years ago, I'm living a happy life since then 😏

Crawling over the train wrecks with a bouquet of flowers?

Liberals love diversity..just not in their neighborhood

Thank you Stefan, I love Katie Hopkins, she's a breath of fresh air. There is so much truth in your video's and love watching because it's everything I think, feel and live daily. Izlam is a cancer and we must rid the earth of this asap. Remember, Izlam always feeds westerners the candy coated version of the Koran. We don't and won't ever get the version preached (cough cough) in mosques.

It's really funny that the left push all kinds of sexual degeneracy yet recoil in horror over this....spare me the fake moral outrage!

All the little people die together is the plan. Multiculturalism is not an experiment it's a genocide of everyone.

The Left- "people's sexual life is none of anyone's business" unless it's him

Thanks for the video, i would have prefere using Decred as exemple instead of BTC,

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