Selfeggio Frequency

in #music7 years ago

Music calms the savage beast, as written by British poet William Congreve. That statement is completely true as I make a conscious effort to meditate and many times I use music to clear, cleanse, and ground. I also use music in my Reiki treatment sessions to calm the Cancer patients I provide energy work.I have found that vibration or frequency is very helpful to assist in a weekly practice to reduce stress, to get rid of bad energy, or to refocus negative thoughts into positive ones.

Something to keep in mind is that anyone who tries to use the Selfeggio Frequency has to be open. Let us now go over some history of Solfege.

History of Solfeggio Frequency

Solfeggio is the classic method in the teaching of music, the original word is Solfege. The song pitch belongs to the scales currently used as Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti.

The true origin is apparently unknown but what can be traced is back to the Arabic Solmization System, and the Hindustani - Carnatic classical styles from India.

Musical theory teaches Guido of Arezzo a monk and theory master, developed a mnemonic system Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La. The frequency Arezzo helped many to understand is that the solfeggio frequency holds spiritual and metaphysical power. This frequency was developed centuries before, and many believe it came from the heavens long before Arezzo started to teach his theory.

The stanza is stylized in Latin as follows:

Ut queant laxis,
Resonare fibris,
Mira gestorum
Famuli tuorum,
Solve polluti,
Labii reatum, Sancte Iohannes.

Old English Translation:

So that your servants may, with loosened voices, resound the wonders of your deeds, clean the guilt from our stained lips, O Saint John.

Saint John in the above translation is in reference to John The Baptist, and some believe this is where the frequency holds a secret healing power.

528 Frequency

Pythagoras was the true and messenger of the healing frequency. As a man that lived around 570 to 500 B.C., Pythagoras taught philosophy, mathematics, religion, and mysticism. His research into sacred geometry is well accepted amongst those that use these formulas today. The vibrations form structures when tuned properly or can destroy when not used in its proper formulation.

As we look at the six original Solfeggio frequencies, and using the Pythagorean method, we find the base or root vibrational numbers are 3, 6, and 9. Nikola Tesla tells us: "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the Universe."

The healing properties are listed as:

  • Ut - 396 Hz - turning grief into joy, liberating guilt and fear.
  • Re - 417 Hz - undoing situations and facilitating change.
  • Mi - 528 Hz - transformation and miracles (DNA repair).
  • Fa - 639 Hz - connecting and balancing relationships.
  • Sol - 741 Hz - solving problems, expressions/solutions.
  • La - 852 Hz - awakening intuition, returning to spiritual order.

432 Hz or 528 Hz

These two frequencies resonate in cosmic harmony. The answer is simple: use the one that works best for you. Both 432 Hz and the 528 Hz Love frequency are proven to create healing vibrations for the mind, body and spirit. That being said, we as human beings are constantly changing and our energy channels may need different ranges of notes or frequencies.

There is a huge amount of people who have wonderful effects with music tuned to 432Hz. However, there is also a significant cross-selection of the human race who have healing experiences with both the 528Hz and Solfeggio harmonics.

432 Hz songs and the 528 Hz love meditations are both chords of the same perfect melody of the Universe. I utilize them in my healing work and am happy to see how many blessings they bring to the listeners.

The Math

432 and 528 are fundamental numbers associated with sacred geometry. Both numbers have ancient cosmic meaning and connected to the construction of the Universe.

Victor Showell, math scientist, has discovered some interesting relationships between those 432 and 528. The first simple association is:

528 Hz

528 + 432 = 960
528 – 432 = 96

432 Hz

432 / 528 = 0.81 81 81 81 81~
1 + {432 / 528} = 1.81 81 81 81~
528 x 1.81 81 81 81~ = 960
432 / 1.81 81 81 81~ = 237.6 x 10 = 2376 = 4 x 756.

It has been proven that 432 Hz and 528 Hz are woven together mathematically.

528 / 432 = ~1.2
4320 x 1.2 = 5184 = 72 squared
4320 / 1.2 = 3600

Both 432 Hz and 528 Hz have many interesting relationships with the Universe. We have seen that the base of pyramids throughout the Earth have used the number 432. It is readily apparent from a simple mathematical analysis that:

  • A=444Hz [C(5)=528Hz] and A=432Hz are harmonically related.
  • The harmony can be proven by simply subtracting 432 from 444.
  • It yields 12; where 1 + 2 = 3 in Pythagorean math.
  • If we take 528 and subtract 444, then we can also get 12 or 3.
  • Next, let’s take 528 and subtract 432 to get 96; where 9 + 6 = 15; and 1 + 5 = 6.
  • This result is identical to 5 + 2 + 8 = 15 or 6.

As we read earlier the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are represented by pure tones, scales and harmonies. Tesla was not the only one to have stated these numbers are tied into the Universe, Leonardo da Vinci is said to have spoken passionately about the connection between sacred geometry and music.

Many of those who have used 528 Hz and 432 Hz frequencies successfully suggest listening and tuning our soul to both frequencies on a regular basis. I agree with this suggestion. The reason both frequencies are so effective is that in the process of absorbing the frequencies we will attune our soul to the Universe. Peace.

All photos are the property of @eaglespirit, do not copy without permission of owner.


I love looking at the relationships between frequencies and sacred geometries. Finding those sacred geometrical and fractal patterns in the sound waves themselves. I need to experiment more with alternate tunings in my music too! Thanks for the information @eaglespirit

I wasn’t wondering if you would relate to this or not? I want quite sure but I’m so happy you found this on your own instead of me coming to hunt for you! LOL
I can’t wait to see what you come up with and please let me know your developments. It’s ancient stuff so I’m sure once you get going it will come naturally. xx🦅

It's definitely been on my mind to look further into and see how I could implement. Much love @eaglespirit and I'll let you know when I have something to show you :)

Excellent, I can’t wait!

Whoa this is the best post i've seen today. I have to figure out how to incorporate these frequencies into my music. I already make pretty chill music but If I can hit these cosmic tones...that would be the best.

H yes you will be famous, better than the best!
Didn’t you say already make chill music? LOL
Thank you for reading, commenting and appreciating my work. Now I need to hear your stuff. Of course I need to hear the stuff with these frequencies incorporated. Can you post something that is so far your best and most favorite for me? xx🦅

This ones on a smooth wavelength. A collaboration with a steemian bass player.

Funky Nuggets

Don't know the exact frequency but it's cosmic chill.

Fascinating! My husband found a reiki practitioner locally and went to them with great results. We've always sought out natural healing.

Would this be similar to listening to binaural beats? I listen to those to help my sleep at night.

Very interesting post! Thanks for sharing

@byn hi! So glad you have tried Reiki and yes the binaural is the same. Check to see which notes you use as the Hz changes for different areas of healing you are working on, as noted in the writing. If I’m balancing chakras for instance would be a diff sound than detox or sleep. Thank you for reading and commenting.
xx 🦅

Thank you so much for the advice!

Awesome information, @ eaglespirit! I haven't worked much with frequencies, but it's on my witchy To Do list - LOL! One of the gazillion books I'm writing (as in, lots of rough drafts, no finished manuscripts) has the Akashic records as a possible plot point, so you'd think I'd have started my research by now. 😜

And congrats on the Appreciator vote! WHOO HOO!

Hi @traciyork thank so so much for your supportive comment and interesting witchy reference. LoL
It’s not witchy but if you will be traveling to the Akash records and speaking to Mel then maybe get some Answers for @edward.maesen. LoL
I’m okay with knowing that music and numbers are tied into a sacred geometry wherein if we choose we can synchronize with the universe. That’s deep!
Yay Appreciator! I want the huge Ash banner tho 🤣
Thank you sweet lady. xx 🦅

Wow you really put your heart into every post you create and it is so evident from the amount of thorough research you do for your posts. Meditation is love and I will try doing it with Solfeggio frequencies.

Hi there @sharoonyasir! Are you my Sharon with Maxxys group? 😁
I love your comment so much and I feel it straight to my heart. I’m thankful that you see the work I put into my posts. Let me know what you think! The first time I went on quite a trip, it’s very interesting to say the least. I can’t wait to hear your experience. xx 🦅

I am @sharoonyasir from #steemitbloggers and am a part of @steemengine too :) I'll definitely try it and let you know about my experience and yes, your posts are always well-researched and authentic :)

oh sorry! LOL You are still my sharon bc you are in both of my groups. Hee Hee
Yay, let me know how it goes and thank you so much! :)

Great write up!

It's SO true, you must be open to it...

#SteemitBloggers :)

Thank you so much! totally OPEN. :)
Also thanks for letting me know where you are from, i belong to too many groups. :)

LOL! I say narrow it down- I used to belong to probably almost two dozen! Give each one a fair shot for two weeks, the find like the top two or three to really dedicate your time and effort to- trust me, its worth it.

IKR! It's killin me. LOL
I cut people off, and they come crying or hold a grudge asking me to come back. Doh!

Wow. thank you for that....i have never heard of solfeggio harmonics. balancing and healing through specific tones related to harmonies i have felt and used as tools, within my life. yet this idea of specific htz. levels is amazing. do you have any links or names of music you could suggest. cheers!

Hi @buttcoins, I’m so happy you recognize from your own experience and can relate. Thank you for that.

Here are a couple of YTs that I have found most helpful for me, you can explore for your own soul synchronicity. There are so many out now it’s unbelievable. I actually started about 7 years ago through an amazing guy named Paul Santisi. YT Guy.

Interesting! First time I'm hearing about solfeggio harmonics. Thanks for the post!

Glad you heard it here first! Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment.

I am a huge fan of Solfeggio frequencies and the works you've referenced. Great post @eaglespirit!

I listen to 528 hertz basically all day in my living space. My quadrupeds and plant friends love it!

Yes people who use it, definitely love it, the Universe loves it. Thank you for your testimony. Maybe someone will see your post and think about listening. xx🦅

This post is sponsored by @appreciator in collaboration with #steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work

Yay! But what happen to my big appreciator footer banner post. I ❤️ Those. 😁

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