Democracy's a Mockery! (music video)

in #music5 years ago

Artist: DISL Automatic
Genre: Conscious Hip hop
Track: Rap is Our Weapon (with Marcus Revolta)
Additional editing: DRutter

Democracy is a fraud, keeping us controlled - and justifying violent foreign invasion, manipulation, assassinations, and occupations! The whole system is broken, and voting isn't fixing it.

The 1% elitists are the most powerful gangsters!

reg thumb.png

Iran, Guatemala, Vietnam, Dominican Republic, Iraq, Brazil, Afghanistan, Cuba, Syria, Chile, Congo, Honduras, Guatemala, Libya and many more... watch closely, Venezuela!

How many nations, leaders, governments, and cultures does the USA have to meddle with, kill, or invade, before the world has had enough? "Spreading democracy" is the excuse repeatedly used to invade countries, steal resources, and kill innocent millions! Not that "democracy" is working back in the West, with a corrupt media and rigged elections!

My brother Disl Automatic helps me break this one down. Have a watch & listen!

Choose platform to view video (2 minutes):




Rarely loads on 3Speak

Censored by YouTube

No longer plays on DTube


I rose from the dead, opened my eyes, and now it's clear to me.
I see the truth behind the lies, and all of the conspiracies.
Democracy's a mockery, cuz all these politicians are paid off by corporations,
so they only serve the interests of the wall street traders,
big businesses, and banksters.
The one percent elitists are the most powerful gangsters.
They control all of the federal agencies.
Which ones? Pick one! Any letter from A to Z.
The IRS, the NSA, the FBI, the DEA, FCC, the FDA, the DoJ and CIA.
CIA they lead the way for corporations seeking paying foreign nations,
by destroying governments and leaders they consider as a threat to them,
even if the people democratically elected them.
What do you expect from them?
Money's their objective, anyone who tries rejecting them
will end up like Lumumba, Mosaddegh, and all the rest of them.
The best of men are resting in peace, cuz of their efforts to cease the feast of that imperialist beast!
Headed by the military industrial complex,
lobbying the Congress, tell them who to bomb next.
They say in Syria, the government's not hearing the voice of the people screaming "no", even though it's America.
They think that we're inferior.
Democracy's a hoax!
The only people with a vote are those who're profiting the most!
This is real hip hop! It's that real revolutionary hip hop!

If this is your kind of music, Disl has created about 200 original tracks (and still going), all available for free. We became friends several years ago and I'm blessed that he allows me to use his music in my productions. Grab some of his incredible tracks here !

The hoax of democracy has never been stronger in the ramp up to 2020's election in the USA!



Ahhh yeah, one of the greatest songs ever! Hands up for DISL :-)

Thanks for the lyric video to this great song, @Drutter, much appreciated. Hope it comes up in searches if people search the lyrics to this song.

Thank you @GirlsofGreen!
I've uploaded this before, but DTube doesn't work after a few weeks (as you well know)... and 3Speak sometimes does, sometimes doesn't. Better have it up on multiple video platforms!

What a shame that the 3Speak upload has stopped playing (for me, anyhow).... that's reminiscent of how DTube went. It's all about the 7 days, then you're lucky if your video plays...

It's good that videos like this can be offered on at least 3 stable and free platforms, though. Bitchute Flote and LBRY at the very least.

Thank you for posting the lyrics. Not many people actually read and listen to the words of a song and just get the fibe based on the audio.

No problem, thanks for your comment!
Disl has some of the best lyrics I've ever found, and he's careful about each word, both in writing them and then in reciting them. His lyrics are worth typing out and sharing along with the music, for sure. Peace :)

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