Worst Interview Ever ( A journalist based in LA interviews me about my latest single" Luv 2 Luv U"

in #music6 years ago (edited)


HAHAHA nope I'm not a female artiste, that stock image was just to hook your attention after that mentally grabbing title in this busy digital ocean. ( There is a marketing lesson somewhere between the lines, I'm still trying to perfect it.

Behind the Music

My latest single "Luv 2 Luv U" was released on October 12th. I have no clue what I'm doing to market this single but I'm just going with the flow and steemit is perfect for just being yourself and keeping it 100.

Luckily I got an interview with the lovely Mercedes Johnson who is an entertainment journalist out of LA, here is the interview we did in written form. Though it wasn't the best interview... In fact it was horrible..... I thought I'd share it with y'all.

"DMiLLiZ Interview with Mercedes Johnson"


So tell us, who is DMilliz, what are you all about?

( file photo)

"First of all, give thanks for the interview Mercedes, glad to be here.
DMiLLiZ is a humble creative and a business man. I'm a Jamaican currently living in Japan. Music is one of my avenues of expression. Recording my voice and thoughts over a rhythm is a blissful feeling for me and just the fact that its a way to live on eternally is appealing. It's a real joy to create music and we just doing our part in representing Reggae and Dancehall music worldwide."

So you're in it for the money and the fame?

"HUH!!? Well if that is a part of the package I'll take it and use it responsibly."

Ha that's what they all say. So your latest single, Luv to Luv u, what is it all about? Bitches, hoes and weed I presume?

"Aammmm well it's actually a love song. I thought you listened to the track before.............."

Hahahaha goood for you, that's great, wonderful............ Your last single Tropixx was about bitches, hoes and weed so I could only presume.

The song is now playing in the background at the request of the interviewer.

How did this new song " Luv 2 Luv U" come about?

"Good question well the beat or riddim as we call it in Jamaica was sent to me by my younger brother MR Florida Keyz -MFK360 productions (been trying to get him on steemit for ages) . Luckily my young bro is a self made producer, I get hot tracks sent to me frequently. The moment I heard the beat I knew I'd make a song on it."

The song sounds very poetic? Did you get a ghost writer like drake? Oh but you can't afford thatttt hahahaha.

"OK then............. Well....Just before I got the track I was doing a poetry challenge ( steemit school 100 day poetry challenge by @d-pend,) so a lot of poetic imagery can be seen/herd in the words of "Luv 2 Luv U"."

So you actually sat down and wrote the words for the song? Did you pop a molly and smoke weed during the process?

" HAHAHAH you asking some crazy questions, I ain't even gonna entertain them. I didn't really sit and write the song but I "medzed" it in my car listing to the riddim ( meaning I thought about it and practiced without writing. "

OK great, but what was your inspiration behind this song?

"Well my wife of course, I always wanted to make a love song for the lover in my life but not too luvy duvy, a little hardcore a little, party-ish, you know ?"

NO I don't know, explain

"Hahaha ( this interviewer is getting on my nerves) I always wanted to create the type of love song that could be played at a wedding as well as at a hardcore dancehall party, any party as a matter of fact and still fit right in and create a vibe. I think I found that perfect balance and the words do represent how I feel about my wife and I think others in a serious relationship or marriage can relate."

Great, well Mr. DMiLLiZ , I'm not married or in a serious relationship so lets move on to the next question.

So where did you record the vocals?

"I actually recorded it in my studio/office/store room in my apaato in Japan."

What is an apaato?

"Just a Japanese slang for an apartment, Japanese like to shorten words like that."

Oh so you trying to be fancy showing off that you know Japanese?

"What? No!"

Shall we continue talking about the gear you use to record?

"Yeah........... Sure.I got some decent gear and a reflector shield to help the vocals from bouncing around. It actually works well. You can check out an article I wrote about my equipment here"

Who mixed the vocals?

"The vocals were actually sent to an engineer in Jamaica called Dinearo, to be mixed. He is actually pretty good and has worked with some of the top names in Reggae and Dancehall."

With a name like Dinearo he must have been expensive, yeah?

"Yup, pretty decent price but quality work."

I'll be the judge of that.

"( OMG this chick has no chill ) Yes Maaam"

So is there any art work ready for "Luv 2 luv u " or are you gonna use that smartphone picture with you and the twins?

"Yeah I got some art work done from a designer based in LA, he was recommend to me by a long time bredrin named Keely Keyz, he actually has a song out with Sean Paul called Drive me Crazy
Here is the finished artwork.

Wow your friend has a song with Sean Paul? You couldn't get Mr. Dutty yeah on this track?


The art work looks good actually. What is that Chinese writing in the middle of the heart, did you think it would look cool?

"Well its actually Japanese and it means love so I thought it was quite fitting as I am in Japan and I'm married to a Japanese."

What , you married to a Japanese woman? Why didn't you marry someone from your own race?

"Well I thought we were all from the human race?"

You know what I mean, all you fvcking black rappers get famous and marry outside of your race, you should be ashamed of yourself.

"ammmm I'm not famous."

RRRRHHHGGGGG this interview is over!!! Get yo bitch ass outta here nicca!!!

" OK THEN..... I'll just move to another seat since we are in Starbucks"


LUV 2 LUV U is out everywhere music is sold or streamed, have a listen, download if you can, help a dude to live his dreams by clicking the link below and choosing your music service of choice. Thank you and let me know what you think of the track in the comments below.

Listen to a preview below

Click the image below to listen to the full track on your favorite music platforms

PS: Yup I interviewed myself in what could be the worst case scenario interview LOL hope you enjoyed it.
PS 2: I hope no offence was taken by the this interview blog skit I created, especially towards my melanin sisters who are portrayed as " Angry black women" a lot in the media. But keep in mind, that angry black woman stereotype while many see it as a negative, it has given women of all colors and races the power to stand up for themselves and to speak their truth. Blessingz


So your wife is Japanese? I have been meaning g to ask you that, actually... But somehow, my lips refused to move. Lol!🤐😁

A funny interview it was😂 well, it wasn't a bad one until "she" told you (or you told yourself?😀) to "to get you bitch ass outta here nicca"

It's a beautiful song. Definitely a balance between dancehall and wedding (this could easily play at a wedding here). It got me wanting to dance but sadly I am terrible when it comes to dancing...🙈

Hope your wife did love this? Oh, I am sure she did...😀

You and the twins look really cute up there. No, actually the twins do look cute😂😂😀.. I dunno how you look😀😀😃. Just kidding....😉

I actually took offense, though. Wait, I can't even find the " angry face" emoji here... Ugggh! I guess anger ain't my thing...

I loved the interview but I don't wanna imagine it happening for real. Well, at least not the ending part...😀😀😃

PS still not sure of my wife likes the song LOL

You are not sure yet? Lol! You really should find out pretty soon!

Yeah i really should hahahah

Hi. Yes she is, the interviewer asked all the relevant questions so you don't have to lol.

Yeah the interviewer was a bit harsh. I forgive her though lol.

I'm not good at dancing myself, though I'm expected to be a pro because I'm from Jamaica. ( Dancing skills eluded my family. Glad you liked the song, marketing music is a real challenge but I'm having fun trying new ways to do it and just be crazy and comical with it. ( this song is highly influenced by afro beats, in Jamaica we make too many raw , sexual and violent songs sometimes, so I took a page from my Nigerian brothers, they sing a lot about love and its always a good vibe.)

HAHAHAHa you are right about that, the twins do look cute and I am the dutty brute father lol.

When I finished writing it I realized how it may be offence to some but it wouldn't be done without Mercedes' personality lol.

Yeah wouldn't want to see that either, but if it were to happen I would be prepared to handle it , ( hopefully) Thanks for your strong support, I really do appreciate it.

Hahahahah! Well, so glad the interviewer came to my rescue. Lol!

Hahahah! This sure is a great way. I had no idea marketing music can be a really big challenge. But I do love this style of yours, it really cool!

Hahahah!! Well, some of them are actually trying to learn your style... A few actually.

Hahahah! Daddy needs to learn a few lessons on being cute from the kids😀😂😂

Lol! Offensive to some? I really doubt that... Well, maybe a really tiny number...

Sure, you will handle it but it won't happen😉. My support is so little, really. How I wish I can do more...

Really huge challenge ...

Yeah I guess we learn from each other. HAhahaha I really don7t know how to be cute, it skipped me.

That's true but just in case it is offensive, there is the disclaimer.

Hey I appreciate your support, no matter how small, it is motivating .

Hahahahah! I could give you lessons but well, its not for everyone...😀 i am sure you do act cute when you need to😉

Glad to hear that!🤗

Hello @dmilliz, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

@creativecrypto thanks for your upvote and all the best with your project. It 's interesting, even your web page is artistic.

@creativecrypto thanks for your upvote and all the best with your project. It 's interesting, even your web page is artistic.

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