🎧 new song (again) - arrangement // sculpting the song // money - thought 🎧

in #music7 years ago

(pic from https://us.123rf.com)

I know @bonvivan and me are already raping the steemit blockchain with our "new song". It's an intense week, and we're having a concert tomorrow, and we would really like to perform this song - even tho' it's not finished.
The overall feeling of the song is pretty dim and angsty, and it would really serve great as an end to our concert. We want to see how it goes and can we make a couple of people cry or vomit (if we get to the security guys, it count's as double!).

Anyways, we're in the process of arranging the song. We're building the song around the atmosphere and the theme. And the theme is MONEY and THOUGHT. How thought is money, and money is thought, and it's in a perpetual spiral that transcends the meaning, and the meaning of meaning. Pretty mean, right?

Overall, we're trying to cut down the jams to a bare minimum, but it's a process and we have only today (for tomorrow is unknown). I'm sure that it will get better in time, but for now it's tricky to define the patterns too fast, 'cause it can be a trap that we will hardly get out of later-on.

I figure that making an arrangement is like sculpting, or body-weight training. You can build your muscles with hard weights and put on a lot of the medium that will be a solid basis (like our theme and atmosphere), but for defining and modeling it takes a lot of low-weight repetitions and an outside perspective and view. 'Cause you can easily loose the overall view of the thing you're working on.

So I guess it's a conundrum. Will we play it tomorrow, or not? We'll see after today.
Hopefully we'll make a solid song, otherwise we will never stop spamming steemit with these clips!



UPDATE: (5 hours later)

We hadn't finished the song...

We decided to play the song anyway on the concert tomorrow!

wooohoooo <3

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