Musical sunday: Shedding my introverted shell - Hello, Im the best music producer on steemit!. . . . Introducing SMVP: The Steemit Music Video Project

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians!

quick edit for the TL;DR crew

The SMVP-steemit music video project is a collaboration project aimed at getting as much producers, mixing and mastering engineers, instrumentalists, video editors, and music lovers together. Its a project with the following main objectives;

  • To grow and bring more awareness to the steemit music community
  • To promte steemit and steem to musicians, producers, basically everyone dealing with music, to provide more awareness to them about steemit to them

please scroll down to read more on this

post begins here
Having goals and objectives, dreams and visions on this platform is key. I've been schooled and continue to be schooled by many people-both on and off steemit- about the importance of setting goals and objectives on whatever I do.

We all know steemit is a great platform to make some small change, but looking at this platform like a money-making-machine,(my people would say money vomiting machine) is one of the wrongest impression you can have of the platform.

Looking at this platform like a money making machine is a great way to go nowhere fast.

Making connections and having a network

I keep on saying this in my posts, but for as long as I can recall, I have been a secluded individual, not wanting to be at the forefront of things, expecting someone else to handle the leading role in many projects.

This attitude persists today within me, and is a core fundamental of my decision to become a music producer.

Truth is, I wanted to be an artist, with me playing the keyboard and bass and all

But due to my personality, I became uncomfortable with the idea of appearing on stage, the paparazzi, and all those things artists or celebrities practically go through.

I found peace in the studio of cause, tweaking knobs, moving faders, knowing technical terms like


ADSR( attact, decay, sustain, release)

polar patterns in mic

etc etc

But in the past year, I have slowly but surely been shedding my shells, that protective bubble that I use to keep others from interfering in my life.
This isn't to say I'm transforming from an introvert to an extrovert, nope, I still love my personal time, my books, my bed and my gadgets, Its just now, i'm more willing to engage in social activities that benefit humanity.

Today on steemit, im building bridges, instead of fences, slowly but surely im trying to build a network of lovable and awesome individuals.

I am the best producer, take it from me!

This isn't a sales pitch neither is it a wishful thinking, o no my friends, I say this out because I believe it!
believe it.jpg
got the image here
anime fan right here mates

If your dreams dont scare you, its probably not big enough yet

The above quote is something I keep close to my heart at all times, alongside;

Make a career out of what you love

image from i love sound, this is my path

These two quotes above were things I was fortunate to have heard before coming into steemit, the first literally means wht it says. A goal or objective that isn't big enough is probably not strong enough, while most people may never achieve what they want n life, a big goal means you'll probably end up somewhere good along the journey.

The second one simply is a driving force.You don't quit on what you love. In life, there will come a time when all hope seems lost, when that business isn't bringing you money, if you hate your job, you're going to breakdown or quit. Some of the most successful people today have a passion that stems from more than making money. They Love what they do.

If i can say someone else who has this drive on steemit, it has to be the home boy terry.

Above all,help others

helping hands true.jpeg
image from pexela closed fist can never recieve
While its good to keep your head in the game(steemit has some deep movements) that shouldn't affect your ability to render assistance wherever necessary. By all accounts, I am a child, a child thats found favour(UK spelling) , and while there are many who may go mad with power, I choose to help out as much as I can. Its no use having something and not touching one or more lives with your success.

The above, I learnt from those I now refer to as mentors in life.

Introducing SMVP: The steemit music video project all thanks to @soundlegion and @bilbop

Its been one of my greatest dream to be able to contribute more to the music community on steemit, and while I have not been in the best of positions to help out the community, I have given acknowledgement to programs and people connected to the steemit music community;



beatbattle league


Without much talk, The SMVP-steemit music video project is a collaboration project aimed at getting as much producers, mixing and mastering engineers, instrumentalists, video editors, and music lovers together. Its a project with the following main objectives;

  • To grow and bring more awareness to the steemit music community
  • To promte steemit and steem to musicians, producers, basically everyone dealing with music, to provide more awareness to them about steemit to them.

Frankly when I had this idea, I though of something like all we do by oh wonder

But my interactions with @soundlegion has shown that this could be much bigger, I'm ever grateful for meeting such group by the way, and I hope we get this plan finished before the steemfest in lisbon.

@bilbop has also been of immerse help too, pushing this and giving suggestions in the group as well as on personal chat.

Now I know I've not been the most active in the music community, this is mainly due to work in other quarters.

One of these days I'm going to get an entry into some of these programs.

We have a discord group running and all music related individuals are invited to it. Lets see if we cant do something big. . . . .


Happy to hear your decision to make this great project happen.
It will surely take some time to build, like a wave growing and breaking at the zenith point to reveal the wonderful artistic mastery of our fellow steemians.
I too am unable to be as active as I would like in the steemit music community. As a working musician, playing music is my first love and my plate is really really full at this time.
You have the skills and I believe you can do this @destinysaid.
Looking forward to hearing more on our progress my friend.

This is no small project bro. You such a big dreamer.

Baba thanks, if i tell you my full plans ehn, wahli, steemit will ban me for too much helping😷


such a great work
keep it on
upvoted dear

maybe one day, we could be using the live streaming for a friday party jam. I will definitely prefer you doing some Nigerian mix. lol

Lol, ideas! Mehn, nigerians are good, keep that thought sir turpsy, it could bring forth great fruits.

great post destinysaid! keep it up! and thanks again for following!
new image ii.jpg

I have to hit the studio right now.

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