A look into the past: Watching my 15 year old self writing guitar riffs at 5 in the morning.

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Awww, yeah. Take a look at 15 year old me in my emo/metalhead phase playing some guitar, giving into peer pressure and painting my nails black and wearing all black with band t-shirts. I was a badass mofo, boiii. I stumbled across some really old videos on my old youtube channel today which I apparently had forgotten about, and I found a few of me back in the day when I was a kid writing guitar riffs and posting them to youtube. This one was apparently written at 5am on a weekend according to my title/comments on the video. Pretty strange reading through the comments on the video and everything. Lots of people I got to be friends with on that platform back then that I have lost touch with and they probably don't even remember me. This was back in the old days of youtube like 10 years ago almost. This also really makes me miss playing guitar, and the more I watch myself playing on these videos the more I'm tempted to try and pick up a guitar again when I have the money for it.

Just thought I'd share this as it really reminded me of how passionate about guitar I was as a kid and that I wish I would have stuck with it throughout the years. (Plus, it's not too bad of a little metal riff, if I do say so myself. Good jerb 15 year old DeadSpace!) I'll probably share one or two of the other videos as well later on. I've got to say, it's really hard to keep your heart in things as you grow up, at least it was for me. I fell out of a lot of my hobbies over the years, whether it be due to financial strain, lack of time for things due to responsibilities or whatever else came up. I can only imagine what kind of music I'd be writing now had I continued to play non stop for the past 10 years. No point in lamenting on it I suppose, eh?

Anyways, thanks for checking out this little glimpse into my musical past. Hope you've enjoyed it in some way, shape or form!

▶️ DTube

Guitar is such a nice instrument 🎸
I wish to learn how to say it but no one to teach me

Badass riff, clean performance

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