Live Music, Good Food, Community, and Big Wind

in #music7 years ago (edited)

House shows are my favorite shows to play. They typically include good food and drinks, and a feeling of intimacy that is just hard to establish in bars, festivals, or larger music venues. There is one little place though, called The Spotted Cow in Urbana, Ohio, that has the same feeling as a good house show. There's something about it that I just love. Last weekend I played with there with some of my nephews and nieces, (The Miller Road Band), and one of my favorite bands, The American Landscape. The night began however, with an excellent new band called The Caravan Folk Trio, which another niece happens to be a part of.

This band was started by a friend of mine who had the idea to bring the community together to experience and celebrate local music and local food, so he got a band together, found a venue, and contacted some local farmers and food-truckers, and planned the whole thing. It was pretty inspiring.

But there's just something about The Spotted Cow that moves me. I think it has a lot to do with the good work they do for folks with developmental disabilities. They have a farm where people with all types of disabilities, from down syndrome to autism can come and work with various animals and do different jobs, which also include working in the coffee shop. This place has been a haven for lots of people for a number of years.

Recently though, the farm has encountered a problem. It's one that our community has been struggling with for years, and it's an old story that has been told many times around the world. It's a story of deceit, corporate greed, and exploitation, except in this case it's disguised by being "clean and green", so it can be a little confusing for people who haven't really looked into it beyond normative media coverage.

When industrial wind turbines are installed too close to people's homes, they cause problems. Along with property devaluation, they can also affect people's health because of something called infrasound. Unfortunately, a wind company (owned by the world's biggest asset company) our community has been fighting against for years is determined to install turbines all around this farm, knowing full well what this could do to the people living in this community, and especially to those with developmental disabilities, so I wanted to share their story here, as it's been on my mind lately.

I've also added a live video of me and some of my band from the Spotted Cow playing one of my songs called "Jailbird", which is another story in of itself, for another time.

Thanks again everyone, for your support, and for listening!


Thank so much for sharing and bringing awareness to not only this specific local situation, but broader environmental issues as well. I have never heard of "infrasound" before, and admittedly do not know about land value near wind farms. I would have assumed, like many, that they are a great "clean and green" investment.

I wish you the best of luck with your activism as well as your music! Please keep us posted on both.

Yes, me too. Our family was offered money to be part of this, but then we started doing research and we were just stunned, and couldn't justify getting paid to do this to our neighbors. Unknown to most, people are affected negatively by industrial wind turbines, but it seems those living in rural areas are often ignored, or simply considered to be NIMBYs. Thanks for your interest!


That sucks dude... I wish you all well and hope that the farm is able to continue it's great work! I love playing smaller shows as well! There's just something about the intimacy of it that beats everything else! Plus it always feels good to play for a great cause! Great post!

Yes, it's so nice not to have that distance between musicians and the crowd!

Hey there, great song, good performance. Love it. I wish I found some people like that to play with. Resteem you for good measure!
Now that windfarm thing, seems to me that harnessing power from the wind should be a nobrainer...I mean what's the difference really, between hydro and wind power...they both utilize an available free powersource, a current (water in the case of hydro, and air in the case of wind) to turn a turbine and produce electricity. It should be cost-effective and safe. If it isn't, then corporate or other interests have highjacked the whole show and f***ed it up, pardon my french.
Haven't heard of infrasound before either.

Well thank you @sauna! Unfortunately, when it comes to electricity there is no easy answer as everything has flaws, coal, natural gas, nuclear, etc... and wind appears to have an advantage, but when I've looked into industrial wind projects that work with a local community, it seems there are at least three factors that are needed for those living within the footprint: 1. Compensation for property devaluation, 2. Some type of reduction in electricity costs, and 3. most importantly, proper setbacks from people's property lines (because of noise lights, shadow flicker, infrasound, and the occasional turbine accident). In our case here in Ohio, we don't have any of these. In fact, the wind developers were the ones who came up with the setbacks, and convinced the state government to pass laws without any due diligence. Anyway, getting back to your point, it has been hijacked. These aren't our great-grandparents' windmills, or any type of local, community driven small scale wind project, which could be really cool. It's oil companies like BP (BP wind) that are doing the same type of things that energy companies always do...boy I could go on and on, but I've got to do some work! Thanks though, for your interest!

How can we save The Spotted Cow from the impending threat of closure?

Apart from shutting down The Spotted Cow, the installation of turbines is not environmental friendly, so it should be sited far away from residential areas.

I'd suggest we mobilize an online protest of hundreds of people who will write against the ills of such installation. By and by, it could get to the appropriate people.

I'll keep a tab on your blog for the 'jailbird' story

Thankfully there is a local grassroots movement to stop the company, and it is working to some degree, but they just keep coming and coming. This wind company, called EverPower, actually sued a town in New York that didn't want them there, but eventually the people prevailed, so that's the hope!

It's sad.
I'll remember them in my prayers.
Is this the company you're referring to?


How long have you been into music?
Do you sing or you play musical instruments?

Yes, that's the company! I've been into music for almost twenty years. I'm the guy playing guitar in the video above. Do you also play?

20 years???
That's awesome.
I'll have to watch the video now just to identify you (I hope it's the video of jailbird, if not I'll shoot you 😂 😂).

As for me, I'm not particularly into music but I know good music 🎶 when I hear it. I'm in the choir too. I've always been lazy about learning how to play musical instruments 😂 (don't laugh pls)

Are you songs downloadable?
Share the links with me if they are.

Happy Valentines Day @danieldyemusic

Just watched the video.
There are two people playing guitar 🎸. One is sitting on a chair, wearing eyeglasses 👓 with a black top.

The other one is standing beside a beautiful woman, he's bearded and wears jean 👖 with ash-colored top. Plus he's the one singing.

Who amongst them is Daniel?

"in this living hell (2x)
O o o o o o o o o o"

Nice music man @danieldyemusic.
Its resounding here

Ha ha! Very descriptive! I'm the bearded one. Thanks!

Good luck with raising awareness its sometimes difficult to find the real motives behind the corporate action but you can bet you life there are dollar signs close by. But this is a real kind of call-to-action song, great energy.

Yes it's ALL about the money, and to rub salt in the wound, this company is pushing for something called PILOT (Payment-in-Lieu-Of-Taxes), so they don't have to pay real taxes like other companies. Pathetic.

great music..sounds for the situation with the wind farm. Unbelievable what companies get away with at the expense of others.

Great singing and playing... :)

Yes it's very sad. Thank you!

great music, that place seems to be the perfect place for enjoy the good music and drinks with friends.

Sounds like the gratest atmosphere someone could ever want! And you seem to have a pretty "musical" familly. Never stop doing what you love! Your post truly inspired me !

wow this is very nice post dear.. i am very like this music.. this really un common post dear.....

Thank you dearest perfect-man! :)

I'ld really love to listen to jailbird. Lovely post thanks for sharing

Thanks! You can hear it above.

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