A Music Community, a Podcast, and a Listening Room

in #music6 years ago (edited)

Years ago I connected with a bunch of songwriters at the legendary Canal Street Tavern in Dayton, Ohio. Once a week songwriters and musicians would gather there to showcase new songs, and the crowd would actually listen and even respond, which happens to be a very rare thing in most music venues, as the performer is often competing against drinking, dancing, food, and conversation.

Because of the support, feedback, and passion for real songs Canal Street Tavern became almost sacred to many songwriters who at times never had another place to even play. But eventually it was sold, and then died, and then was turned into a deli where people eat sandwiches while playing arcade games.

There was no place to turn for a while, but the void has been filled the last couple of years by a place called Yellow Cab Tavern. Many of those same songwriters gather there now once a week. Lately I've been a part of that, and recently I played a live show for Roadside Attraction,which is a newly-revised podcast that happens to be one of the oldest in the USA.

It's quite a show. It has some comedy, live music, and follows a story of the happenings of a fictional town called Midway, USA. I was a guest on the show, where I played three songs, one alone, and two with the house band, The American Landscape, who happen to be friends of mine.

I sang "Twisted Mind", "Syria, West Virginia", and an American Landscape song called "Voices" that I helped to co-write on some of the lyrics.

You can listen to the podcast here: "Unexpect the Expected #205, and check out my recording of "Syria, West Virginia" with Thaddeus Williams from The American Landscape below.

And for what it's worth, here is an interview from 1993 I found of Mick Montgomery, the founder of Canal Street, who shares his vision for the rare "listening room" for musicians. Mick just recently passed away.


We need more places like this ! I remember back in France we had little cafes and "caves" which are old wine cellars in Paris that are transformed in improvised venue, with a tiny stage, it's always full of smoke, and for most of the time musicians play Jazz standards .
But For 2 years every Wednesday evening and Sunday, we were organizing Jam sessions where some of the most infamous writers and musicians of Paris were gathering .
I said infamous because it always ended up in either a brawl, or one of the main act was nowhere to be found .
Everybody was welcome to participate, and I met there friends with great personalities that didn't fit in today's society.
My most cherished memory was one armed and one legged poet that used to write amazing, tortured poetry.

He wanted to be sat on the body of the piano most of the time, his microphone in one hand, nothing written, just lyrics pouring out of his soul, drunk out of his mind.
Our job was to find the right musical tone, 1 pianist ,1 guitar, one saxophonist and a small drums.

I think the main difference with "Canal Street" (WOw, so amazing) is that we weren't THAT great and my memories are betraying me a little, but that's not the point. We were giving a platform for people to just express whatever they had to.
I think people should do that instead of seeing a shrink.

Great song bro :) sorry for the novel haha

Ha ha! I loved your novel. Your description took me right there. I just love places like that, and yes, I often tell people that writing songs is the reason I don't go to therapy.

Thanks buddy ! Yes I would ended up on the kookoo side without music :)

I completely understand!

wow thats great. really they are legand. always they are working very hard & love music always. thanks buddy for your lovely article.

thank you too little buddy. nice dress you have

ThankYou so much buddy. first time in steemit any one talk about my daughter. pray for my daughter.

Hey @aarbi what's your story, and what's going on with her?

nothing else dear. i will just her picture use my profile. she is fine & i just want to pray for her for her bright future.

Oh okay. This is good! Here in the USA when you say "pray for my daughter" it sounds as if something is wrong, so I took it the wrong way. Here's to your daughter. May she live a long and blessed life.

Pretty cool idea

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