Metal Music For Beginners Series - Volume VIII

in #music8 years ago (edited)

(It is a dark and dreary night that falls upon the theater, as the audience makes their way in, take their seats, and wait patiently for the dimming of the lights as usual. But.... something just seems so different than the times before, almost as if a thick stiff air lulls in the old theater. And the air also smells musty, older than usual.... The heavy smell of iron is in the air, and a borderline-sickening odor permeates briefly, then settles.

Suddenly it thunders outside, and rain begins to pour, lightly at first, then picks up and soon two theater ushers rush to the open doors and shut them with haste. As the lights begin to finally dim, the hooded figure makes his way to the stage, still donning his denim vest smothered in band patches. But there's a new one, smack dab in the center left flap of the vest. It appears to be a Slayer patch, the classic logo with the band name centered in a pentagram made of swords.

The figure faces the audience and begins to speak....)

"I see you have noticed my new addition to my collection of patches. I admire your observant behavior, I can already tell that this visit with me is going to be enjoyable for you all. Are you all comfortable? Relaxed? At ease? Good. Because now this will make tonight's volume that much more shocking and unsettling.... but more on that later. Shall we begin? It is my pleasure to introduce to you the next volume of this expansive history of metal. I give to you....

Slayer's epic 1986 release, 'Reign in Blood'. Enjoy."

(Image Source:

The year was 1986. By then, the thrash era was in full force. With classic elite names in the business like Metallica, Megadeth, Exodus, Testament, Overkill and many more, there was quite the palate to be had and enjoyed for thrash fans.... for all metal fans, really. But there was one band that eclipsed them all in both intensity and musicianship. They were arguably the heaviest thrash band in the genre, and they still arguably hold that bragging right to this very day....

That band is Slayer.

At this point, Slayer already had three impacting releases under their belt ("Show No Mercy" in 1983, "Haunting the Chapel" in 1984, and "Hell Awaits" in 1985), and their fan base was already well established. But it was time to step it up, and every member knew it. It was time to get heavier, faster, more violent, more intense. Thus "Reign in Blood" was born. This release would solidify in thrash and metal history as what was perhaps one of the most essential and influential release in their decades-spanning career. The fact that they had such instrumental precision so early on in their career as a band simply stamped into them the undeniable fact that they were a band that would not only stay, but also influence a smorgasbord of modern metal bands. With controversial tracks like "Angel of Death" and bloody ragers like "Raining Blood", their style spanned far beyond the fact that they were specifically thrash. The elements they used were far and wide a plethora of genres like punk and speed metal, but applying the well-known yelling vocal style expected of thrash.

Now, this release did not come without its fair share of concerns and setbacks to the public. Firstly, due to the graphic nature of the album cover, the release was delayed, as per the actions of different distributors to different stores who worried that the album may be too graphic for release exclusively in their respective stores. That concern was squashed early, however, and the album went forth as planned. Secondly, the opening track, "Angel of Death", earned Slayer quite a few accusations of being advocates for Nazism, as the lyrics of the song touched on Josef Mengele, who performed multiple forms of human experimentation within the concentration camps during World War II. This, however, was also squashed, as Slayer had discredited such accusations multiple times in multiple interviews when faced with such questions. To put it simply, they did not by any means condone Nazism, they were merely interested in the subjects regarding what happened in the camps, and the song was acting more as an anthem lashing out against Mengele and his despicable actions and experiments.

And now, for your listening pleasure, a few tracks from this legendary thrash staple album. Enjoy!

"Angel of Death"

"Criminally Insane"


"Raining Blood"


(As the lights come back up, the hooded figure looks upon the audience with a pose that can only be construed as anticipating.)

"Ladies and gentlemen, in spirit of your return to my humble little education seminar, I would like to draw your attention to the weather outside, if you please. Do you notice anything different about the nature of the rain? Different in color, perhaps? Notice the crimson pigment it's giving off. A scientific miracle, do you think? No, I'm afraid not...."

(He steps off the stage and advances toward the audience, as he reaches into his vest and pulls out what appears to be a small dagger.)

"I must insist that you now make haste to your cars, lest you become one with what is to happen next.... And mind you don't get too rained on!!!!"

(He bellows a sinister laughter as more hooded figures wielding small daggers come out from behind the stage curtain, step off the stage, and follow behind the hooded host, also advancing toward the audience, now terrified. Everyone hastily rises from their seats and scurries with urgency to the exit doors and spill out into the parking lot. It only occurs to them now that the rain is discolored because it is warm, thick blood.... falling from the sky like angels are being slaughtered. Now in a greater panic than ever before, everyone rushes to their vehicles and speed off into the bloody night, not to be seen again.... The hooded man turns back to face the rest of the hooded figures and speaks.)

"Well.... it appears we may have to attract another audience.... I fear we may have scared them all off...."

(There is loud and evil laughter heard in the night as the blood rain subsides, and the moon peers through the dark clouds, giving off a crimson hue.)

- damiancraymond

Thank you for reading and (hopefully) enjoying my most recent installment in my Metal Music For Beginners Series! The rest of the series can be found on my profile! Stay Metal. \m/


Perfect segue into my old post from 4 months ago -

And yes... I am a huge Slayer fan. :) Mostly it is their nifty dark riffs they come up with. Using a lot of that Devil's Tri-tone stuff. :)

just checked that out, i like the banjo cover better than the original! lol

Great post, you could do several volumes on Slayer alone! Here is my favorite Slayer Album...

I really want this poster too, I want it huge in my garage. It is so scary, I figure it should scare the crap out of anyone who dares set their eyes into my garage, especially unwanted!

Steem on! Rock on!

""I see you have noticed my new addition to my collection of patches. " great line. True Metal intro! :D

'If youre not into metal, you are not my friend!' -manowar

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