Metal Music For Beginners Series - Volume V

in #music8 years ago

(The auditorium is more packed than usual.... it seems that word of this "Eddie" character had traveled far and wide.... and more and more people seemed to take a vastly curious interest in him, and what he may bring upon the theater next. There is a gasp in the room as two mental hospital workers shuffle through the crowd, dragging what appears to be a madman donned in nothing but a straitjacket, a pair of thin cloth slippers and what appears to be a gauze head dressing, perhaps to bind a wound? But it covers his entire head. Perhaps he is a burn victim or something?

.... But wait. They appear to be dragging him directly onto the stage. What is happening? Suddenly they drag him center stage and remove his head dressing, then let go of his arms. The lights dim as the entire theater gasps. The man in the straitjacket.... it is "Eddie".)

"Good evening. I suppose you are wondering why I am restrained, now aren't you? Fear not, I cannot harm you. You see, they finally caught up with me and I am now paying for my crime. Do you not remember me from the night before? I had a hatchet in my hand and was covered with blood. You all should have guessed what happened. Well, now I am imprisoned in an insane asylum not too far from here, hence the straitjacket I wear."

(He smiles.)

"But not for long.... But I digress....

Tonight I am here to introduce to you another installment of Iron Maiden, as we take a peek into their legacy as one of the world's most influential and impacting metal bands in history. The 'Killers' album was very good indeed, but we are now in the Bruce Dickinson era, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is an era that has spanned over thirty years, and we are to give that legacy its due. So without further anticipation, here is their 1983 release, their fourth studio album. I give to you....

'Piece of Mind'."


1983 was a big year for metal music. Dio released their classic and beloved "Holy Diver" album, Manowar released "Into Glory Ride", King Diamond's original band, Mercyful Fate, released "Melissa", Metallica released their debut album "Kill 'Em All" (which will be discussed in a later post), Motorhead came out with "Another Perfect Day", Ozzy's "Bark at the Moon" was making quite the stir, Slayer released their "Prepare to Die" EP then debuted on Metal Blade Records with "Show No Mercy", among many more groundbreaking movements in heavy music the world over. But Iron Maiden was still a name and a band to be reckoned with. They departed with their original drummer, Clive Burr, and recruited Nicko McBrain as his permanent replacement. And what was more, "Piece of Mind" was McBrain's big debut on an Iron Maiden album, and in my personal opinion, it was his (and the rest of the band's) best album ever!

I distinctly remember the opening track, "Where Eagles Dare", being the first Iron Maiden song I ever heard. For most, it was "Flight of Icarus" (the third track), or "Run to the Hills" (from their "Number of the Beast" album), but "Where Eagles Dare", for me, was the starting point to which I immediately became obsessed with them. I just couldn't fathom how they pulled off such instrumental progression in a time of all those "hair bands", playing the same damn power chords with the same damn whiny vocals. Iron Maiden was a whole other level, the likes of which I, being around 11 at the time, hadn't really heard much of prior to that point. I simply couldn't put the album down. My family and I were on vacation at the time, in a quaint little family cottage just a small walk from Rye Beach in Rye, New Hampshire.... We were there for about two weeks, and I must have spent at least a third of that time continually listening to the whole "Piece of Mind" album. I just couldn't help myself!

Looking at this particular album as a whole, we're talking about more than just a new drummer and an enhanced sound. We're talking about the classic riffs and catchy choruses we've all come to know and love, like "Flight of Icarus", "The Trooper", "Sun and Steel", and more! We're talking about an album that pretty much cemented Maiden's legacy that would span over the next thirty-something years with unrelenting force. Their transformation as a band, it seemed, was finally complete, and showed no signs of stopping. Their journey was far from over. And to this day, it is STILL that way.

Having grown sick and tired of all the naysayers and critics of the world accusing them of being a Satanic band, Nicko McBrain finally did something about it, specifically on the sixth track, "Still Life". In the beginning of the track, it seems some words are being eerily muttered, but the track plays it in reverse. If you listen to it in reverse to hear it in forward-play, you will hear him doing an imitation of actor John Bird's impression of Idi Amin, quoting as follows: "What ho said the t'ing with three 'bonce', do not meddle with things you don't understand....", followed swiftly by a belch.They wanted to make a point. Just because some scenery and/or lyrics are of a morbid nature doesn't necessarily mean that the band endorses sadistic lifestyles or actions. This is an ongoing debate between the intelligent musicians of the world and the self-righteous, ignorant and overly sensitive conservatives of the world, and it is a battle still fought to this very day. Well, Iron Maiden is the type of band that doesn't let ignoramus' such as those trample on their music, on their art. And with that track, they made their point very clear to those observant enough and willing enough to LISTEN.

Furthermore, the musicianship of the album is nothing short of outstanding. They had proven once again that they still had what it took to deliver amazingly-composed music, and match it up with Bruce Dickinson's far-reaching vocal range, from lows to highs. If there is ever an album to listen to by them to get turned onto metal, there is no doubt in my "mind" (pun intended!) that "Piece of Mind" is the album with which to do so. And if you are still not sold on my word alone, then here are three (that's right, not two, but THREE) tracks to really bring it home. Enjoy!

"Where Eagles Dare"


"The Trooper"

"Still Life"

(As the lights came back up once again, Eddie, without saying a single word, broke out into a sharp-toothed smile, the straitjacket he was once in sprawled all around him on the center stage floor. Just as the two "chaperones" from the mental hospital advanced toward him, his entire body began to dissolve into nothingness, just like the previous night, and before anyone could blink twice, he was gone. The hospital workers stood there, center stage in the exact spot Eddie was once in, completely nervous and confused. And the auditorium was filled with silent terror as the distant remnants of the song "Still Life" echoed through the night air into the theater.... "Nightmares, coming all the time.... Nightmares, will give me peace of mind...."

Then there is the slight sound of wicked and mischievous laughter, then it trails further and further away, then no sound at all, except for the nervous heavy breathing of all still in the theater.... Everyone remains inside for another few minutes before a few brave individuals feel it safe to depart, followed by the rest.... all the rest except for, of course, the still confused mental hospital patients, who remain there until all the lights in the auditorium go out. They then hear the laughter return. Only this time, it is coming from inside the theater....

They both scream as if being brutally slaughtered.... they continue on for at least another minute....

Then there is silence again. DEAD silence.)

- @damiancraymond

P.S.: Still behind? No worries! Below you will see links that will take you directly to each previous post in the series! I sincerely hope you enjoy them (as well as this one) just as much as I have enjoyed creating them, and will continue to do so! Stay metal! \m/


Volume I

Volume II

Volume III

Volume IV


Excelent post mate. Oh how I loved Iron Maiden. I grew up with them ever since my older brother bought Killers and at first I thought, what the heck is this? But it wasnt long before I was hooked. I am not so fond of the later stuff over the last ten years but still a fan out of sheer loyalty!

This is a great series, have you heard the cover of Holy Diver by KSE?

Oh absolutely! I LOVE Killswitch Engage! I've already seen them like 4 times, once when Howard first replaced Jesse back in 2003 at Ozzfest, then 3 times after Jesse's return to vocals. I don't know why, I've just always preferred Jesse's voice, he was the original singer, you know? Just seems to fir their music more in my opinion. But yes, Howard NAILED that Dio cover, I was so impressed when I first heard it. I actually got to meet KSE in April at New England Metal and Hardcore Festival, they were all VERY humble and extremely friendly. You can tell they still actually care about every one of their fans and love to hear what each one has to say, unlike many other bands these days.

No way, thats awesome. I have always wanted to see them live, I have missed them a couple of times here in Scotland. They are indeed an amazing band. One of my favourites. i think Jesse is the best and its good he is backl in the hot seat. I watch a lot of their guitar videos on youtube and you can tell they care about their fans. Really down to earth! Excellent. I am glad to have found a fellow KSE fan on steemit!

Scotland? Damn, that's so awesome! Have you heard of Alestorm, that pirate metal band? I'm pretty sure they hail from Perth, I'm obsessed with them haha! But yes, being an American citizen myself, I have spent at least two thirds of my life growing up in the state of Massachusetts, where they (KSE) are from. It just feels really good to support a local band like them that have seen so much success. And they deserve every bit of it, they are amazing songwriters, and as a musician myself, I'm truly inspired by them and all that they have accomplished.

Hahaha, Alestorm! Yeah, they are from Perth, I have saw them a few times, smallish venues to and spoke to the old guitarist after a gig for a fair while. They are cool guys and of course their music is hilarious and good. Thats cool that they are your local band! Yeah they are gifted guitarists man. The first time I heard Rose of Sharyn I knew I wouldnt rest till I could play the damn thing. It took a while but I got there! Well kind of :O)

Nice post brotha! You know I'm no metal head but I listened to the three songs you posted and I really enjoyed them. Especially the last one Still Life! Thanks for the share. I honestly think I dig a lot of the Sabath to 90's Iron Maiden era of metal!

Well thanks man, I appreciate the support! I'm really happy that this series I've been doing has gotten a little bit of a buzz here on Steemit. It's so cool that there are so many metal heads and people such as yourself who can appreciate the music simply for its merit and legacy. :D

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