Face My Fears

in #music6 years ago

Although I'm not a fan of the music with what's going on in the background, I do gotta say it's really enjoyable! Kingdom Hearts was my first PS2 Game and it introduced me to the world of Final Fantasy! Seeing it come to a close so soon is really big! Looking forward to the full release of the song!


I think I played Kingdom of Hearts with my cousin a few times.

Kingdom Hearts was cool but I felt it did Final Fantasy a disservice. Squal looked like crap in the game and it just felt like they warped the characters. I remember playing Final Fantasy 7 as my first real introduction to that world.

I thought his name was Leon until I played Dissidia.

I liked the beginning of the song with the piano.

Cool, makes me want to learn to play the piano.

I had a PlayStation way back in the day, the original one (or PlayStation 1, if that's what they are called), I stuck to car racing games though.

Crash Team Racing for life.

Nice song

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