Original Music - Constructive Feedback Please!

in #music7 years ago

Here's a demo of a track I've been working on, it isn't completely finished yet but it's quite close so I wanted to put it out there to get some feedback and suggestions from the steemit community.

  • What do you like about it?
  • What don't you like about it?
  • and most importantly how can it be improved?

All opinions welcome and don't worry about being critical, the main thing I'm looking for is observations that will really help me to improve this before I finalise it. Thank you!


What's going on @captaincanary, I love how this track starts off, it was very trippy sounding and the vibe of those bells definitely matched the image to the video. This whole entire track seems like it's describing the image in the video and I thought that was very cool. The switch ups was really great, I feel like I was being taken on a journey down a trippy road. I honestly don't have any negative feedback to give to you because this instrumental music was very beautiful, I liked everything about it. In my mind, I can imagine myself going into the image of that flower and into it's essence and exploring a world of infinite fractals sort of like this video below. Your track gives me that sort of vibe. Every sound harmonized together and this instrumental transition was really smooth from the intro to the outro. Great post!!!

Thanks a lot for that awesome response and cheers for taking the time to listen to it! Trippy is definitely one of the qualities I aim for most when I make music so I'm glad that came across well. I love a good fractal video too!

Well @captaincanary, you definitely nailed the trippyness sound and when I was listening to the track and looking at the flower image, fractals kept appearing in my mind like the video in my comment. It would of been dope to see the flower go into fractal mode of infinite petals and flowers while your instrumental music was playing. I think I'm going to vape some medicinal cannabis and hear how your track sounds when I'm on high mode. Music always sounds 5x better to me on herbs and if this sounds good not being on herbs then I can imagine how it will sound because I hear a whole lot more when I'm medicated! :-P

Well done Cap. I was a DJ for a long time and dabbled in production as well. Sounded good. The one thing I did not like was the hi hat at 1:35, 3:23, 3:27 etc. Sounds too generic. Maybe you wanted that, but I think it took away from the rest of the sounds used. The transition at 4:00 is cool. I like the uptempo as I'm a lifelong Junglist and the synth on the left channel. Keep it up man.

Thanks a lot man! I'll probably have a look at making that hat a bit quieter at least, I've heard it so many times that I stopped noticing it, that's why it's so helpful to get some people with fresh ears to listen. I'm thinking of having a track split at that 4 min mark since it's so different and it will allow the listener to skip straight to that part if they want, do you reckon that's a good idea?

Ya, when you're making the tune it turns bland after listening to it so many times and you don't catch things.

As you know it's been pretty trendy to combine tempos in tunes, start out at half tempo, then full tempo after the breakdown, or vice versa. I'm not sure I understand your track split. Are you thinking of taking it out completely?

Nah just making it two separate tracks on an album (if I make one) with the divide being at around the 4 minute mark

Ok, ya I was going to say that would often happen to my tunes, one part would not really work with the other so I would break it out into it's own track.

I would say break it out.

This is very good. I don't know overly much about music (this genre anyway), but I can definitely say that it sounded good in my ears. The start: intriguing, quickly moves to a relaxed space. From there it develops nicely and keeps me interested throughout. It makes me want to listen. Transitions are quite good too, although the one at 3:50 - 4:00 didn't jive with me. What comes after is good (the "before" I think is better still), but the way you got there was a bit odd. I get what you were aiming for (I think), but didn't sound as smooth as it could have. I also think the ending is a little ... well, only so-so compared to that excellent beginning + first part. You had set the bar quite high.
All in all very good and professional sounding. Please post the finished version when it's done.

Thanks a lot, great feedback! I definitely know what you mean about the transition at around 4 minutes. It's quite a bold change and stands out a lot, unfortunately there isn't anyway I can think of the make it smoother, though I will probably make them two separate tracks on an album (if I make one) but I will keep the flow going from one into the other. As for the ending the very end (last few seconds) of the track isn't done yet but I will probably make it fade out quicker or perhaps even experiment with adding another entirely different section on the end

Let's say; everyone have different taste for music that's for sure. And usually i kinda don't listen this kinda music style. Listened all demo. Liked this.
Always appreciate when people put effort in the music they make, respect for your time.
Thumbs up for this for sure!

Thanks buddy!

real deal :)

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