Guest post by @ailindigo: Song of the day #5

in #music6 years ago

I came back from a trip today and I arrived back home at night, and though I wan't very comfortable in the car when the night came I just had this feeling that this song I will tell you about describes pretty good, another beautiful and melancholy song from Death Cab For Cutie, once again!


Passenger Seat

This song is the 8th track from the fourth studio album Transatlanticism by the indie rock band Death Cab For Cutie and released on October 7th 2003. This is a really beautiful, peaceful and soft song that is about love, and ideal and relax love. A song to listen to while going on a chill trip under the night sky, alone or accompained with your loved one.


"I roll the window down
And then begin to breathe in
The darkest country road
And the strong scent of evergreen
From the passenger seat as
You are driving me home

Then looking upwards
I strain my eyes and try
To tell the difference between
Shooting stars and satellites
From the passenger seat as
You are driving me home

"Do they collide?" I ask
And you smile

With my feet on the dash
The world doesn't matter

When you feel embarrassed
Then I'll be your pride
When you need directions
Then I'll be the guide

For all time
For all time."

This is a happy song unlike most of the songs from this album, but beyond than being a love song it's more about that feeling of lightness and how good you feel with being so small in this world and how much you enjoy and are at peace with that. A song about the beautiful "simplicity" of life, enjoying simple pleasures just as stargazing, and what's even better, enjoying that simple pleasure with you're significant other. I love how it starts with "rolling the window down" and especially the "beggining to breathe in" part becuase it enhances the joy you can find by doing a simple activity as breathing, and by the car window. Then it talks about stargazing and "telling the diference between shooting stars and satellites", and this is interesting since that part can be a comparison between heart and brain, shooting stars represent good luck and grant wishes and this can be easily related to the heart/emotions, and the statellites (the word satellite) are a more related to science, a more "square" word (like the brain) unlike "shoting stars"; this is a very deep comparison and word-play that in this love context just makes me think this is a kind of love that is unattached and is present, this couple doesn't care about rationalizing love, they just feel and don't think too much, they enjoy what they have, whatever it is, in the present moment in that happy, chill and unattached way; a thing which is enhanced in the part he says he asks to his significant other if "do they collide?" (the brain and the heart) and this person just smiles, no answers but a smile. Then he just keep on enjoying the moment and tells his significant other that even if he's navigating in his peacefulness he won't forget about her if she "needs directions", thus showing they care about each other and have a symbiotioc relationship, and finally with "for all time" a true love that lasts forever. An ideal love, isnt it?

This album is considered the band's greatest album by many critics, and I cannot disagree. A really emotional experience that makes you think and see yourself in life from a third person perspective.

Thanks for reading and listening! Tell me what you think about this song :)

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