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RE: Two Birds on a Cherry Branch - An improvisation on a painting by @camilla

in #music7 years ago

I absolutely agree john, all pats on the back cant help to improve.

John, my reason for staying in the lower register was a calculated one. It is all about imitation versus interpretation. The music has elements of imitation but not much. For example, the repeating trill in the B is the bird. I keep coming back to the home base much like the bird would do. The melody line i created was more the path of the bird as it flies around a garden. The feeling one would have turning to watch the line of flight. Twists and turns some times high sometimes low. But returning from time to time to the B and fluttering. I never want to fall into the trap of trying to literally imitate images in sound. Hint at it? Yes. Ive always tried to do this. So when considering a register for a bird my first thought would be bass, then work up from there to a point where the listener will get it but not so literally that it requires no consideration.

John i really appreciate your questions. This is a conversation i love to have with creative friends.
Thanks for listening


that's an excellent answer, Bucky, and explains it from within the constraints of your art. Now, I can appreciate even more what you do :)

:) Thanks John. Stravinsky once said, "True art can only come from limitation." Notice that I don't use any other instruments in Steemit? No audio effects. Simple recordings in one take. I am forcing myself to work in a very rigid box.... and I love it! It forces me to refine the tools I have at hand and only those tools. It is not easy sometimes, but it keeps me VERY honest with my art. There is a time and a place for all those other things. For me, I have chosen that Steemit will NOT be that place. Steemit will be a place of limitation.

I like that. I believe that too. Frost said that without boundaries art is like playing tennis with the net down. Well, when i play tennis, that's how I play :)

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