Happy Playlist - The Meaning of Each Song in My Life - First 10 Songs

in #music7 years ago

During the Self-Care challenge I took part in, one of the tasks was to create a Happy Playlist. Each song on there has significance, a reason it's there, and the order in which I put each song bears some meaning too. Here is the significance of the first 10 songs, out of 40 songs on my playlist. Candid and explicit, I don't hold back on anything here. You know me by now, full disclosure.

Wake Up (Rage Against the Machine)

I first discovered Rage Against the Machine, truly discovered them, while hanging out with my friends from the Internet Café shortly after I had left the narcissist who abused me. Waking up from that abuse led me on a path of truth seeking, where I found a lot of similarities between my abuse experience and other types of psychopaths (since he was one too) and government and such. So abuse woke me up, and then the waking up just continued. And since then, I've just wanted to tell people to wake up. It's the beginning of my journey to emotional freedom too, and you wake up at the start of your day, no matter what time it is you wake up at, night or day. So it had to be first on my playlist. And this song reminds me of the awakening journey and how much progress I've done. And it makes me feel damn good.

Bombtrack (Rage Against the Machine)

I wasn't trying to group them together. Bombtrack happens to be the first song on the Rage Against the machine album. It's also a song I listened to a lot in my friend's van when we used to hang out more often. He's a friend whom I've dated, but to whom I feel closer now than before or during our brief romantic encounter. We would sit in the van and just bob our heads forward to the beat of the song. We made jokes that we got burnt in the past and those who used us would now get burned. It's also just a fun song, if you're into that type of music. Sometimes, I just grunt like the singer does, not always randomly, while I'm singing along with the song. That would be funny though, walking down the street and then just "uh".

Press It Up (Sean Paul)

Changing styles drastically, this is my sexy song. I used to take Hip Hop classes before my burnout, talk about burns. When I listen to this song, I love to move to the beat, I feel sexy. Some songs make me move, but casually, but this song, I start moving and watch out. I remember going out with friends and just dancing, everyone was commenting, girls and guys alike. I don't just feel sexy when I dance to this song, I AM sexy. I like make love to the beat of this song. Sorry men, only one person I rub to while I dance now :p

Spice Is Nice (SWTOR Soundtrack)

Another completely different style, sort of jazz, sort of 50's style of music, it's from the soundtrack of Star Wars: The Old Republic. I just love it. One of my favourites. I put parody lyrics to it. Spice in the Star Wars universe is drugs. So yeah, I feel high when I feel good. This is a fun song to dance in boogie style. It's a happy song :)

One Fine Day (The Offspring)

If I had a perfect day, it would definitely include hanging out with the Offspring, whose members I admire greatly. I'd love to hang out with so many people for whom I have a lot of admiration, whatever it is they create. This song reminds me of chilling with friends and drinking, back when I used to drink a lot more. And just taking it easy. Like Dexter Holland, I too believe it's my right to destroy, BUT not everything in my sight, just things that don't serve me anymore, negative emotions, bad thoughts, symptoms. I'm healing, it's destroying the bad and creating good, which creates better days.

Hot Dog (Limp Bizkit)

Staying in the punk style of music, this song reminds me how everything is just fucked up. Sometimes, when I'm in self-loathing, I feel fucked up, that my abuser ex fucked me up, but what's more fucked up is that we now get demonetized if we say the F word :p It reminds me that I'm NOT fucked up. I'm normal. And it's okay to feel out of whack some days. Plus I love the chorus. I know it's a remix of an existing song, but sometimes I feel that way, like I want to fuck like an animal, rawr. I'm a dragon, some days. Burning hot lol

Temperature (Sean Paul)

It got hot, didn't it? But I've got the right temperature as a dragon hehehe Like a sauna. Another song that makes me move, man! We did a routine on this song once, and my friend from Hip Hop and I remember some of that routine. WI get it mixed up with the Sexy Back one though for some strange reason. We mix up moves, we did so many of these. This song makes me miss the classes. I need to get myself back into shape. I had trouble with a 4 minutes Tabata workout, I used to dance for 1.5 hours straight every week. Time to start getting back into the beat of things. Get it? The beat hahaha

Ass Like That (Eminem)

One of several Eminem songs I know how to rap. I rapped this song as karaoke at a party for work. Not only is this song a reflection of my love for squeezing butts, but it's also a tongue and cheek commentary on society and how people get offended by anything and everything these days. You say one thing, they read into it and find something that offensive about it. But satire and parody passes better. Like Triiumph the puppet dog, I want to be free to say anything. That's why we have people like Jordan B. Peterson to remind us about the importance of free speech and to draw the line when that freedom is pushed towards control. Oh and just because it's in the song: peepee! :p (Yes, sometimes I have the mind of a 5 years old, yet the mind of a very mature woman who likes ass.)

Potion Shop (Zelda - Ocarina of Time Soundtrack)

This song follows in style and rhythm type after the end of the last one. It's for some reason one from the many Zelda games that I can listen to on repeat for hours. My brother and I once put it on while I drew Tarot cards and Runes. It's from the Potion Shop, and I am a pagan. I do divination, what will be revealed about your fate? I like to move to this song too, but in a more hypnotized motion, moving along to follow the energy that speaks as I search for answers in the hidden depths where few have the courage to look. Truth seeking, in life, as with anything that has to do with Dragon Age hehe Let me look into your soul, let the energy fill you with the divine magic that flows through us all.

Libérez-nous des libéraux (Loco Locas)

More like "Libérez-nous du gouvernement!" I'm not a separatist, but I am a Libertarian and Volontaryist. Good old Qubécois rap, these guys, I'm not sure if they're Anarchists, but a lot of their songs have similar messages to those by Rage Against the Machine. Loco Locas is a group a talented men from Quebec, so of course they're in this list. There's something kinda sexy about the way they're able to deliver their lines in their raps. Near the end of the song, during the chorus, you can hear them sing "Rouge, rouge." Yes, it's the Liberals colour, but it's also the colour of a pill many of us on this platform have taken.

More songs and their significance to come. And yeah, I listened to every one of these songs as I was writing about them. Had to, can't get into to the true feeling of it without the best inspiration, the song itself.


the transition is quite awakening from one song to another. Yet, my spirit is arise, kind of the happy feeling really permeate to the neighborhood..

Nice. Wait till you hear the next ones ;)

you have a really good taste on music...strong message lyrics ..

Thanks. Yeah, some of those songs are pretty powerful.

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