YouTube bans Let's go Brandon song for "medical misinformation"

in #music3 years ago

We all know what is really going on here and it is just hilarious that YouTube would even bother to do this. The song in question is by an artist named Bryson Gray and he did a good job capitalizing on the statement that has become popular at stadiums around the United States and even overseas.


The thing about this song is that it isn't even a very good song. I found it repetitive and a bit lazy on the lyrics side of things. If the news reported hadn't tried to change the fact that the crowd was chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" then the entire "Let's go Brandon" thing wouldn't have even happened at all. It was fake news at it's finest because anyone who was watching that interview could clearly hear what the crowd was really saying.

Now the lyric video has been banned by Youtube and the reason for doing so is that the song contains medical misinformation, which is just dumb because it is a rap video, not a Q-Anon lecture. We all know why they really banned it and that is because they are a deeply political organization that bans anything that they disagree with. I wouldn't have even listened to the song if the media and their partners in the online world hadn't made such a big deal about trying to change what the people were saying in the first place.


I suppose I am not a very good critic of rap music because I am not really a fan but by doing doing this ban, YouTube is only going to make the song, and the public's awareness of it even larger and stronger. I would bet that these chants become more frequent and louder at sporting events around the United States. It is also another good reason to start to ween yourself off of Youtube.

If you want to see the video you can do so on Odysee here I do not know why or maybe I am just not smart enough but I can't embed an Odysee video here.

Bryson Gray might be a real conservative, he might not be but he was very clever to take advantage of this situation either way and now all of a sudden he has a top selling song and honestly, I am just waiting for all the other players in the game like Spotify and Apple Store to stop selling it for some other bullshit reason as well.

If you don't follow the herd the herd simply deplatforms you. This has been going on for a while now but it's just becoming more and move evident that these corporations are evil and really, we should be moving away from them. Odysee is pretty good, but it is lacking in a lot of topics... hopefully stuff like this will encourage more people to move. If we take the power away from Youtube simply by not using YouTube, the situation sorts itself out.


Medical misinformation can really lead the naives to early grave. This ban will also make other artists not to indulge to similar act. Thanks for the write-up.

i think we might be missing the point here. It's a song, not a lecture: Did the Eagles really experience everything in Hotel California? Was Michael Jackson really "Bad?" We already know that almost all of the guys in NWA weren't actually gangsters.

The reason why this song is being banned is because YouTube doesn't like that it attacks the current USA president... they didn't really have a problem with it going the other way. Thanks for commenting though!

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