Chronicles of Alan Sound Engineer , Anyone? Tryst Cont. Pt.2

in #music8 years ago (edited)

As I have said before this is not necessarily in Chronological Order.

One Day discussed something with the Terrible Trio.

“ Guys when you own a Bike that does 100mph , and you do that speed all the Time, where do you go from there?”

Answers were , Modify, get a faster bike until one of them said , slow down!
“Exactly “ I said, “there is no light and shade in your music just b... to the wall all the time”

Took my advice to heart , sounded much better!

Started recording an album of Cedz’s original songs at some Music Company.( My regular Job was at a firm called Channel Data in Paulshof.
I get a message there are some Guys downstairs who want to see you, I go down , there are Tryst in the Parking Lot , Bowing and saying “ Were not Worthy “ in the act of presenting me with a copy of their just released CD.
Tryst were also often playing at a place called Magix on a Sunday Afternoon near Grasmere , where I would head with my Ranchero to do the sound for them.

Sidebar , one evening on the way back home ( The Ranchero was open at the Back) The speakers would never have fitted in a Canopy. I had forgotten to fill up with Gas before I left home . I pulled in at a Garage near the Lido Hotel ( cursing myself about tempting fate) True to my thoughts 2 Car loads of African Gentlemen came into the filling station and started admiring my Kit. “ What will you do if we take your stuff” I lifted my Shirt,

“This is a sixteen shot Magazine,in my pistol, I have another in my pocket, I am a very good shot ( really) . Want to take a Chance”

I already had my back to the Door of the LDV , so they could not get behind me. They informed me they were just joking, however they did not put in fuel. I waited for them to disappear before starting up.( always had a full tank thereafter)
Cedz asked me to replace them one day at Magix , and I took my Band Leash there, where we became a pretty regular feature as well.
Freddie left Tryst and a while later Ian as well , I have even filled in on Bass for them a couple of times.
The last Gig at The Centurions Bike Club in Vanderbijlpark , some

Scary Biker Chick hit on Dave A the bassist,he did not know how to react.

I told her to leave him alone he is happily married, wasn’t good enough for her , she went absolutely ape . Cedz managed to calm things down. I have never been back.
Cedz and Ian spoke with me, they were both full time Musicians they needed to get their own PA. I had spare Speakers and I bought some stuff for them, took the speaker set up to Magix and, quite honestly,

sounded better than my regular setup ,

told them they needed one more amp and they could pay me off at a sort of minimum amount per month. I never seem to learn my lessons about this sort of thing.
They took the speakers to someone to be modified to internal amplifiers, swapping the Brand New amp , and some of the other kit for this , it sounded like Crap ( don’t like swearing ) but know of no other description , could not pay me , and in the end gave it back to me in far worse sounding condition than they received it ,

why do they think they know better than me what sounds right?, when this is one of my passions!

So , I ended up doing sound for them again!
Did a Biker Jol ( SA word) near Rustenburg , Ian insists he wants both a DI and a Mike in front of his Bass Amp , I do this and he say’s “ But they both sound the Same?” . “ Well, Ian , that is exactly what a DI was designed to do ! Same Gig Ian moaning about the Bass Drum Sound , I say “ You go stand out in front” I stand by the Bass Drum , put my hand on the Front Skin and apply some pressure . “Much Better”is his response , I walk away “ Sounds Bad again”

SOUND 101:-

“If it sounds bad without a Mike , why would a Mike make it sound better?,

it just makes it louder. Tell the Drummer to tighten the Front skin till it sounds right and all will be well “
One night(in 2010) I received a call from Cedz to Help with the Sound at The Bohemian Club in Richmond, as he had been doing it but had a Gig elsewhere.( this is an interesting tale “ Nightmares Doing Sound”) I will leave this title for another installment!

Two weeks ago I helped Cedz with what he thought was a Blown Amp, turned out to be a faulty cable ( I own a Universal Cable Tester)

Hope you find this of interest My Friends.


☆☆☆☆☆ 😎

Thank You Very Much

Interesting read!

Thank You , for reading.

I worked long sonidista time, until I got to have my own sound equipment, that now is past time, very buna hitoria my friend @awgbibb, congratulations.
Appreciation of heart your visit and comments in my post thank you very much

Thank You , My Friend, always appreciate your comments.

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